- MV Ciocanel, P Gandhi, K Niklas, AT Dawes. Characterizing symmetry transitions in systems with dynamic morphology (submitted, 2024).
- DJ Wieczynski, MM Giglietti, N Sortisio, ZY Han, Y Yuan, M Onishi, MV Ciocanel, JP Gibert. Intraspecific variation in reaction norms mediates eco-evolutionary responses to environmental change (submitted, 2024).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- AC Nelson*, M Rolls, MV Ciocanel, SA McKinley. Minimal Mechanisms of Microtubule Length Regulation in Living Cells (Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2024) DOI, arXiv.
- MV Ciocanel, L Ding‡, L Mastromatteo‡, S Reichheld‡, S Cabral, K Mowry, B Sandstede. Parameter identifiability in PDE models of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2024) DOI, arXiv.
- CM Topaz, S Ning, MV Ciocanel, S Bushway. Federal Criminal Sentencing: Race-Based Disparate Impact and Differential Treatment in Judicial Districts (Humanit Soc Sci Commun, 2023) DOI.
- J Benson, M Bessonov, K Burke, S Cassani, MV Ciocanel, DB Cooney, A Volkening. How do classroom-turnover times depend on lecture-hall size? (Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023) DOI..
- N Goldrosen, CM Smith, MV Ciocanel, R Santorella†, S Sen, S Bushway, CM Topaz. Racial Disparities in Criminal Sentencing Vary Considerably across Federal Judges (Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2023) DOI.
- Madeleine Dawson‡, Carson Dudley‡, Sasamon Omoma‡, Hwai-Ray Tung†, MV Ciocanel. Characterizing emerging features in cell dynamics using topological data analysis methods (Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022) DOI .
- MV Ciocanel. Applications of PDEs and Stochastic Modeling to Protein Transport in Cell Biology (Notices of the AMS, 2022) html , arXiv..
- MV Ciocanel, A Chandrasekaran, C Mager‡, Q Ni, G Papoian, AT Dawes. Simulated actin reorganization mediated by motor proteins (PLOS Computational Biology, 2022) DOI .
- P Gandhi, MV Ciocanel, Karl Niklas, AT Dawes. Identification of approximate symmetries in biological development. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 379, no. 2213 (2021) DOI .
- K Mallory†, JR Abrams‡, A Schwartz‡, MV Ciocanel, A Volkening, and B Sandstede. Influenza spread on context-specific networks lifted from interaction-based diary data. Royal Society Open Science 8.1 (2021): 191876.
- MV Ciocanel, R. Juenemann‡, AT Dawes, SA McKinley. Topological Data Analysis Approaches to Uncovering the Timing of Ring Structure Onset in Filamentous Networks. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83, 21 (2021). DOI , arXiv.
- MV Ciocanel, CM Topaz, R Santorella†, S Sen, CM Smith, A Hufstetler‡. JUSTFAIR: Judicial System Transparency through Federal Archive Inferred Records. PloS One, 15(10), e0241381 (2020). DOI , SocArXiv.
- MV Ciocanel, J Fricks, P Kramer, SA McKinley. Renewal Reward Perspective on Linear Switching Diffusion Systems in Models of Intracellular Transport. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 82(10), 1-36 (2020). DOI , arXiv.
- MV Ciocanel, P Jung, A Brown. A mechanism for neurofilament transport acceleration through nodes of Ranvier. MBOC 31, No 7 (2020): 640-654. DOI , bioRxiv.
- MJ Panaggio, MV Ciocanel, L Lazarus, CM Topaz, B Xu. Model reconstruction from temporal data for coupled oscillator networks. Chaos 29 (2019): 113-116. DOI , Arxiv.
- MV Ciocanel, B Sandstede, SP Jeschonek, and KL Mowry. Modeling microtubule-based transport and anchoring of mRNA. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 17 (2018) 2855-2881. DOI , PDF.
- MV Ciocanel, SS Docken, RE Gasper, C Dean, BE Carlson, and MS Olufsen. Cardiovascular regulation in response to multiple hemorrhages: Analysis and parameter estimation. Biological Cybernetics (2018) 1-16. DOI.
- MV Ciocanel, TL Stepien, I Sgouralis, and AT Layton. A Multicellular Vascular Model of the Renal Myogenic Response. Processes (Systems Biomedicine) 6 (2018), 89 DOI.
- MV Ciocanel, JA Kreiling, JA Gagnon, KL Mowry, and B Sandstede. Analysis of Active Transport by Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching. Biophysical Journal 112 (2017) 1714-1725 DOI .
- MV Ciocanel, TL Stepien, A Edwards, and AT Layton. Modeling Autoregulation of the Afferent Arteriole of the Rat Kidney. Women in Mathematical Biology Springer (2017) 75-100 DOI .
- EA Powrie, MV Ciocanel, JA Kreiling, JA Gagnon, B Sandstede, and KL Mowry. Using in vivo imaging to measure RNA mobility in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Methods 98 (2016) 60-65 DOI .
- MV Ciocanel, T Witelski. Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Parametrically Forced String
Pendulum, SIURO (SIAM Undergraduate Research Online) 5 (2012) PDF.
* - postdoctoral scholar mentored
† - graduate student mentored
‡ - undergraduate student mentored
Other Peer-Reviewed Articles
- MV Ciocanel, N Goldrosen†, and CM Topaz.
Quantifying Federal Sentence Disparities with Inferred Sentencing Records. SIAM News Blog, 2023.
- MV Ciocanel, JT Nardini.
Online and In-Person Interviewing for
Tenure-Track Positions. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Early Career Collection, 2022.
- KE Johnson†, MV Ciocanel, J Aponte, N Bajeux, F Meng and D Bottino. Evaluation of pharmacologic mechanisms to overcome IgG1 antibody (Ab) resistance via quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) modeling of antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). AACR Annual Meeting Proceedings, July 2021.
- H Adams, MV Ciocanel, CM Topaz, L Ziegelemeier. Topological Data Analysis of Collective Motion. SIAM News, January 2020.
- C Topaz, MV Ciocanel, P Cohen, M Ott, N Rodriguez.
Institute for the Quantitative Study of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (QSIDE). Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 67(2), 2020.
Student Publication (supervised)
- M Morrissey‡, J Collignon‡. Propagation of lead in the human body. SIAM Undergraduate Research Online 10 (2017) PDF
- MV Ciocanel. Modeling Intracellular Transport during Messenger RNA Localization in Xenopus Oocytes. PhD thesis in Applied Mathematics, Brown University, 2017 (Advisor: Björn Sandstede). PDF
- MV Ciocanel. Modeling and Numerical Simulation of the Nonlinear Dynamics of the Forced Planar String
Pendulum. Honors thesis, Duke University, 2012 (Supervisor: Tom Witelski). PDF
Project-based Workshop Reports
- M Olufsen (faculty mentor), MV Ciocanel, S Docken, R Gasper, S Langford, W Samyono. Modeling blood withdrawal in the cardiovascular system, MRC, Snowbird, 2016.
- V Venkateshwaran (industry mentor), Z He (industry mentor), C Bi, MV Ciocanel, S Hill, D Rumschitzki, B Tilley. Filtration properties of compressed porous membranes, MPI, Duke University, 2016.
- J Han (industry mentor), MV Ciocanel, H Hardeman, D Nasserden, B Son, and S Ye. Deducing Rock Properties from Spectral Seismic Data, IMA, 2015.