Conference/Workshop/Seminar organizing activities

Professional Society Service
  • Associate Editor of the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2024-present).
  • Committee member of the Society of Mathematical Biology Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team (2021 – present).
  • Chair of the Society of Mathematical Biology Subgroup on Cell and Developmental Biology (2020 – 2022).
  • Nominating committe member for the SIAM Life Sciences Activity Group (Summer 2022).
  • Poster Judge for the graduate/postdoc Red Sock Award at the SIAM Dynamical Systems Poster Session in Snowbird, UT (May 2019).

  • Mathematical Modeling contest activities
  • I serve as the advisor for Duke teams participating in the Mathematical/Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) since 2020, and have advised two Outstanding Winner Teams.
  • Flyer for TriCoMM 2023
  • The Triangle Competition in Mathematical Modeling (TriCoMM) is a local undergraduate contest in math modeling that I founded in Fall 2021 and organize together with graduate students in the Triangle every Fall.
  • The Ohio State University Math Contest for Modeling (OSU MCM) is a local undergraduate contest in math modeling that I co-founded and co-organized in Fall 2017-2019 at the Ohio State University with the support of the Mathematics Department and the OSU SIAM Student Chapter, following the model of the BMCM contest.
  • The Brown Mathematical Contest for Modeling (BMCM) is a local undergraduate contest in mathematical modeling for undergraduate students that I co-founded at Brown in Fall 2015. The contest continues to be offered annually by the Brown University SIAM Chapter. Students work on open-ended research questions for part of a weekend in teams of three students. The top teams participate in the COMAP International /ICM contest.

  • University/Department Service
  • Co-Director of the Duke Math Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team (Summer 2023 - present).
  • DukeLIFE (Lower-Income and First-Generation) Professor.
  • Faculty Advisor for the Robert Calderbank and Ingrid Daubechies Visiting Scholars program at Duke University (Spring 2023-present).
  • Faculty Advisor of the Duke University AWM Chapter (Fall 2023-present).
  • Team leader in the AWM Mentorship Program organized by the Duke University AWM Chapter (Fall 2020, Fall 2023).
  • Three-Minute Thesis Competition Judge at the Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival at The Ohio State University (November 2018).
  • Poster Judge for the undergrad and grad poster sessions at the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference, San Antonio, TX (October 2018).
  • Poster Judge for the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at The Ohio State University (April 2018).
  • Poster Judge for the Natural and Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum at The Ohio State University (March 2018).
  • Abstract Judge for the Hayes Graduate Research Forum (graduate research projects) at The Ohio State University (December 2017 and 2018).
  • As a graduate student at Brown University, I was involved with the following student groups:Brown SIAM Student Chapter (VP and Founder of the Brown Mathematical Contest for Modeling); Rose Whelan Society for Women in Math (Treasurer and Events coordinator 2014-2016); Brown Chapter of AWM. In these roles, I co-organized professional development panels for grad/undergrad students, undergrad outreach events, social events, etc.
  • Peer Mentor at the Brown International Graduate Student Orientation (August 2016).

  • Outreach and Community
  • Instructor for Duke Math Circles in Durham (elementary school level) Spring 2022.
  • Member of the Math CoOP (Spring 2014 - Spring 2017): The Math CoOP is a group of students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty (led by Professor Kavita Ramanan) who share an interest in mathematical outreach. As part of this group, I desgined and gave interactive presentations at programs in the Providence-Boston area to engage students with mathematical topics such as Fractals and Applications and Let's Make a Deal: To Switch or Not to Switch.
  • English for Action (EFA, Fall 2014 - Fall 2016): EFA is a learning community aimed at helping immigrant families in Rhode Island obtain their high-school diploma through NEDP, the National External Diploma Program. I volunteered as an instructor and facilitator of the beginning math pre-NEDP classes.
  • NECAmP Volunteer at Hope High School (Summer 2013): The Hope High School in Providence, RI set up a program for tutoring high school students who scored low on the NECAP mathematics exam. I helped students go through practice tests and build mathematics skills to perform better when retaking the exam.