Conference/Workshop/Seminar organizing activities
- Organizer of the Duke Mathematical Biology Seminar (Fall 2020-present).
- Co-organizer of the Minisymposium on Data-driven Modeling of Spatial Subcellular Processes at the SIAM Life Sciences Conference in Portland, OR (June 2024).
- Duke organizing committee member for Triangle Computational and Applied Mathematics Symposium (Fall 2023).
- Co-organizer of the Minisymposium on Data-driven, modeling, and topological techniques in cell and developmental biology at the SMB Annual Meeting at the Ohio State University (July 2023).
- Co-organizer of the Minisymposium on Combining Topological, Data-Driven, and Modeling Perspectives for Complex Biological Systems at the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences (hybrid, July 2022).
- Co-organizer of the Special Session on Topological Data Analysis and its Applications in Biological Systems at the Fall AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting (virtual, November 2021).
- Co-organizer of the BIRS Workshop on Mathematics of the Cell: Integrating Signaling, Transport and Mechanics (hybrid, October 2021).
- Co-organizer of ICERM Hot Topics Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice (virtual, March 2021).
- Co-organizer of AMS Special Session on Modeling and Data Analytic Techniques for Biological Systems at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (virtual, January 2021).
- Co-organizer of two-part session on Topological and network analyses for data at the SMB Virtual Annual Meeting (August 2020).
- Co-organizer of two-part Minisymposium on Probabilistic and Topological Methods for Biological Data at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science, Cincinnati, OH (virtual sessions, June 8th 2020).
- Co-organizer of three-part Minisymposium on Modeling and Inference for Microparticle Transport and Intracellular Dynamics at the SIAM Conference on the Life Science, Garden Grove, CA (postponed).
- Co-organizer of two-part Minisymposium on Multiscale modeling of cytoskeleton-mediated cellular transport and aggregation at the SMB Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada (July 2019).
- Co-organizer of two-part Minisymposium on Topological Data Analysis and Applications in Dynamical Systems at SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT (May 2019).
- Organizer of Minisymposium on Modeling Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton Interactions at SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, Mineapolis, MN (August 2018).
- Co-organizer of AMS Special Session on Analytical and Computational Advances in Mathematical Biology Across Scales at the AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (March 2018).
- Organizer of Invited session on Models of Biological Patterning in Developing and Adult Organisms at International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (October 2017).
- Co-Organizer of two-part Minisymposium on Mechanisms of Intracellular Transport and Cell Organization at SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, UT (May 2017).
- Organizer of Minisymposium on Modeling of Mechanisms of Intracellular Transport at SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, Boston, MA (July 2016).
- Co-organizer of Workshop on Agent-Based Modeling, Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University, Providence, RI (March 2015).
Professional Society Service
Associate Editor of the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2024-present).
Committee member of the Society of Mathematical Biology Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team (2021 – present).
Chair of the Society of Mathematical Biology Subgroup on Cell and Developmental Biology (2020 – 2022).
Nominating committe member for the SIAM Life Sciences Activity Group (Summer 2022).
Poster Judge for the graduate/postdoc Red Sock Award at the SIAM Dynamical Systems Poster Session in Snowbird, UT (May 2019).
Mathematical Modeling contest activities
I serve as the advisor for Duke teams participating in the Mathematical/Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) since 2020, and have advised two Outstanding Winner Teams.
The Triangle Competition in Mathematical Modeling (TriCoMM) is a local undergraduate contest in math modeling that I founded in Fall 2021 and organize together with graduate students in the Triangle every Fall.
The Ohio State University Math Contest for Modeling (OSU MCM) is a local undergraduate contest in math modeling that I co-founded and co-organized in Fall 2017-2019 at the Ohio State University with the support of the Mathematics Department and the OSU SIAM Student Chapter, following the model of the BMCM contest.
The Brown Mathematical Contest for Modeling (BMCM) is a local undergraduate contest in mathematical modeling for undergraduate students that I co-founded at Brown in Fall 2015. The contest continues to be offered annually by the Brown University SIAM Chapter. Students work on open-ended research questions for part of a weekend in teams of three students. The top teams participate in the COMAP International /ICM contest.
University/Department Service
Co-Director of the Duke Math Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team (Summer 2023 - present).
DukeLIFE (Lower-Income and First-Generation) Professor.
Faculty Advisor for the Robert Calderbank and Ingrid Daubechies Visiting Scholars program at Duke University (Spring 2023-present).
Faculty Advisor of the Duke University AWM Chapter (Fall 2023-present).
Team leader in the AWM Mentorship Program organized by the Duke University AWM Chapter (Fall 2020, Fall 2023).
Three-Minute Thesis Competition Judge at the Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival at The Ohio State University (November 2018).
Poster Judge for the undergrad and grad poster sessions at the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference, San Antonio, TX (October 2018).
Poster Judge for the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum at The Ohio State University (April 2018).
Poster Judge for the Natural and Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Research Forum at The Ohio State University (March 2018).
Abstract Judge for the Hayes Graduate Research Forum (graduate research projects) at The Ohio State University (December 2017 and 2018).
As a graduate student at Brown University, I was involved with the following student groups:Brown SIAM Student Chapter (VP and Founder of the Brown Mathematical Contest for Modeling);
Rose Whelan Society for Women in Math (Treasurer and Events coordinator 2014-2016); Brown Chapter of AWM. In these roles, I co-organized professional development panels for grad/undergrad students, undergrad outreach events, social events, etc.
Peer Mentor at the Brown International Graduate Student Orientation (August 2016).
Outreach and Community
Instructor for Duke Math Circles in Durham (elementary school level) Spring 2022.
Member of the Math CoOP (Spring 2014 - Spring 2017): The Math CoOP is a group of students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty (led by Professor Kavita Ramanan) who share an interest in mathematical outreach. As part of this group, I desgined and gave interactive presentations at programs in the Providence-Boston area to engage students with mathematical topics such as Fractals and Applications and Let's Make a Deal: To Switch or Not to Switch.
English for Action (EFA, Fall 2014 - Fall 2016): EFA is a learning community aimed at helping immigrant families in Rhode Island obtain their high-school diploma through NEDP, the National External Diploma Program. I volunteered as an instructor and facilitator of the beginning math pre-NEDP classes.
NECAmP Volunteer at Hope High School (Summer 2013): The Hope High School in Providence, RI set up a program for tutoring high school students who scored low on the NECAP mathematics exam. I helped students go through practice tests and build mathematics skills to perform better when retaking the exam.