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Reading Group at Brown University Dr. Sandstede's research group participates in weekly meetings each semester where we discuss topics in dynamical systems. The semesters and topics I participated in are listed below, along with the themes covered in my group presentation each semester.

Semester: Topic: My subtopic: Presentation (slides/notes):
Fall 2014 Traffic flow Pedestrian traffic models
Spring 2015 Dynamics of networks Static networks: Structural properties of networks, Erdos-Renyi random graphs and connectivity properties
Fall 2015 Microscopic versus macroscopic models Large systems of interacting particles - paper presentation
Spring 2016 Nonlinear waves: Spatial dynamics and Fredholm approaches N/A N/A
Fall 2016 Vegetation patterns Pattern formation via amplitude equations (2 lectures)
Barbier 2006: Self-organized vegetation patterns
Spring 2017 Data science Persistent homology / Topological data analysis