Matrix Operations
Part 2: The product Ax
as a linear combination
The symbols e1,
e2, e3, and e4 are
commonly used for the standard unit vectors in four dimensions.
These vectors are defined in the worksheet.
- Compute each of the products
Ae1, Ae2, Ae3, and
Ae4. Compare the products to the original matrix A,
and then generalize what you see by answering this question: If A were
any m x n matrix and ej were an n-dimensional
standard unit vector, how could you characterize the product Aej?
- For the vector x
defined in the worksheet, express x as a linear combination of standard
unit vectors. Express Ax as a linear combination of columns of A.
Check by computing both Ax and your linear combination of columns.
- What should the vector
x be if you want the product Ax to be the difference between
the second and third columns of A? Test your answer in the worksheet.