Matrix Operations
Part 3: Special Matrices
In this section we explore the
properties of certain special matrices: identity, zero, diagonal, and
multiplicative inverse matrice. We continue to use the matrices A and B defined
in Part 1.
A square matrix with ones on
the main diagonal and zeros everywhere else is called an identity
matrix. A matrix of any size with all zero entries is called a zero
matrix. An example of each type is defined in the worksheet. Compute
each of the following products:
From these multiplications we
can see that identity matrices and zero matrices have properties like certain
real numbers. Complete the following sentences:
The identity matrix behaves
multiplicatively much like the real number...
A zero matrix behaves
multiplicatively much like the real number ...
If P and Q are
square matrices such that PQ = I and QP = I, then P and
Q are called inverse matrices. We write Q = P-1
and P = Q-1. A square matrix that has an inverse is
called invertible. Use your helper application to determine whether
the matrices A and B are invertible and, if so, what their
inverse matrices are. [Note: Another name for "invertible" is
nonsingular, and a matrix that is not invertible is called
singular. Your helper application may use any of these standard
Experiment with random square
matrices R. Can you find one that is not invertible?
A matrix with zeros everywhere
except possibly on the main diagonal in called a diagonal matrix.
Enter the diagonal matrices D1 and D2
defined in your worksheet. Compute
D14. Look at the answer carefully, and explain
how you could have computed D14 in your
Compute D1
D2 and D2 D1. What do you conclude
about multiplication of diagonal matrices? [Note: This conclusion about diagonal
matrices does not hold for arbitrary matrices -- see Part 1.]