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Matrix Operations

Part 1: Properties of Matrix Multiplication

  1. Enter the matrices A, B, and C defined in your worksheet. Compute the product AB, also compute BA, and compare your answers. What can you deduce from this comparison?
  2. Compute the products A(BC) and (AB)C. Compare your answers. What property of matrix multiplication does this illustrate?
  3. Compute A(B+C) and AB+AC. Compare the answers. What property of matrix arithmetic have you illustrated?
  4. Now we'll check the same properties with multiplications that cannot be "rigged" in advance. Using the random matrix generator, construct three 4x4 matrices, R, S, and T. Then compute RS, SR, ST, and TS. What do you conclude?
  5. Now compute R(ST) and (RS)T. Re-execute several times, starting from the definitions of R, S, and T. Compare the values of R(ST) and (RS)T each time. How do these products compare?
  6. Compute R(S+T) and RS+RT. Re-execute several times, starting from the definitions of R, S, and T. Compare the answers. What do you conclude?

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