Shrikant Chand

Shrikant Chand

  • Contact:
  • Office: Gross Hall 304, Desk 93
Last updated: Aug 2023


Aug 2022 - Present PhD Mathematics Duke University
Sep 2020 - May 2022 MS Mathematics NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Sep 2018 - May 2022 BS Mathematics NYU Tandon School of Engineering



I am a 2nd year PhD student in mathematics, advised by Hau-Tieng Wu. I am interested in probability, computational/high-dimensional statistics, and numerical linear algebra for applications in machine learning and signal processing algorithms.


  1. Quasistationary distribution for the invasion model on a complete bipartite graph (2022)



Role Course Number Term Institute
TA Probability MATH 230 Fa 2023 Duke
TA Laboratory Calculus I MATH 111L Fa 2022 Duke
TA Applied Statistics MA-UY 4114 Sp 2022 NYU
TA Applied Partial Differential Equations MA-UY 4414 Sp 2022 NYU
Grader Machine Learning (GR) ECE-GY 6143 Fa 2021 NYU
Grader Multivariable Calculus MA-UY 2114 Sp 2021 NYU
Grader Multivariable Calculus MA-UY 2114 Fa 2020 NYU
* (GR) = Graduate course