
Courses taught at Duke

Fall 2024, Math 375, Linear Programming
Spring 2024, Phys 590, Computational Methods for Quantum Many-Body Physics (co-taught with Thomas Barthel)
Fall 2023, Math 555, Ordinary Differential Equations
Spring 2023, Math 660, Introduction to Numerical PDEs
Fall 2022, Math 631, Measure and Integration
Spring 2022, Math 660, Intorduction to Numerical PDEs
Fall 2021, Math 690, Analysis and Numerics for High Dimensional PDEs
Fall 2020, Math 631, Measure and Integration
Spring 2020, Math 690, Computational Methods for Quantum Many-Body Physics (co-taught with Thomas Barthel)
Spring 2019, Math 660, Introduction to Numerical PDEs
Spring 2019, Math 375, Linear Programming
Fall 2018, mini-course, Concentration and Functional Inequalities
Fall 2018, Math 690, Topics in Applied Math: Stochastic Control and Related Topics
Spring 2018, mini-course, Non-equilibrium Green's function formalism
Fall 2017, Math 631, Real Analysis
Fall 2017, Math 356, Elementary Differential Equations
Fall 2016, mini-course, Locality in Quantum Mechanics
Spring 2016, Math 563, Applied Computational Analysis
Fall 2015, Math 635, Functional Analysis
Fall 2014, mini-course, Variational Methods in Quantum Mechanics
Fall 2014, Math 631, Real Analysis
Fall 2014, Math 356, Elementary Differential Equations
Fall 2013, Math 631, Real Analysis
Spring 2013, Math 660, Introduction to Numerical PDEs
Fall 2012, Math 356, Elementary Differential Equations

Courses (taught at Courant Institute)

Sprint 2012, Chaos & Dynamical Systems
Fall 2011, Calculus I
Spring 2011, Calculus II
Fall 2010, Calculus II
Spring 2010, Mechanics (graduate)
Fall 2009, Calculus I (recitation)