
Holden Lee
holee at math dot duke dot edu
Office Hours Location
Gross 352
Office Hours
Mon. 4:30-5:30pm Fri. 2-3pm (starting 1/24) See Piazza for adjustments.
MW 3:05-4:20 (Physics 227)
Available here.
Shortlink: tiny.cc/math361s20.
Piazza page
Math 361S
Uri Ascher & Chen Greif, A First Couse in Numerical Methods Excerpts from Cleve Moler’s book Numerical Methods in MATLAB (free online).

Announcements regarding distance learning

Development of numerical techniques for accurate, efficient solution of problems in science, engineering, and mathematics through the use of computers. Linear systems, nonlinear equations, optimization, interpolation, numerical integration, differential equations, error analysis.

Solid understanding of fundamental concepts from linear algebra is essential, including linearity, solving linear systems, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. A course in multi-variable calculus (e.g. Math 212) is also required. Experience with ordinary differential equations is recommended, but not necessary.

Grades will be assigned based on an assessment of your performance on homework, midterm exams, and a final project. The components will be weighted (roughly) as follows:


Computational work

Students are expected to follow the Duke Community Standard. If a student is found responsible for academic dishonesty through the Office of Student Conduct, the student will receive a score of zero for that assignment. If a student’s admitted academic dishonesty is resolved directly through a faculty-student resolution agreement approved by the Office of Student Conduct, the terms of that agreement will dictate the grading response to the assignment at issue.