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Course Descriptions

Given below are catalog descriptions of the mathematics courses numbered above 104 that are most often taken by undergraduates. For a complete listing see the undergraduate Bulletin.

111. Applied Mathematical Analysis I. First and second order differential equations with applications; matrices, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors; linear systems of differential equations; Fourier series and applications to partial differential equations. Intended primarily for engineering and science students with emphasis on problem solving. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 131. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103.

(Note: Mathematics 111 is not intended for mathematics majors and does not count toward the courses required for the mathematics major. Mathematics majors should take Mathematics 131, rather than Mathematics 111, for a first course in ordinary differential equations.)

114. Applied Mathematical Analysis II. Boundary value problems, complex variables, Cauchy's theorem, residues, Fourier transform, applications to partial differential equations. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 133, 181, or 211. Prerequisites: Mathematics 111 or 131, or 103 and consent of instructor.

120S. Introduction to Theoretical Mathematics. Topics from set theory, number theory, algebra and analysis. Recommended for prospective mathematics majors who feel the need to improve skills in logical reasoning and theorem-proving before taking Mathematics 121 and 139. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 121, Mathematics 139, or equivalents. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103; corequisite: Mathematics 104. Half course.

121. Introduction to Abstract Algebra. Groups, rings, and fields. Students intending to take a year of abstract algebra should take Mathematics 200-201. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 200. Prerequisites: Mathematics 104 or 111.

123S. Geometry. Euclidean geometry, inversive and projective geometries, topology (Möbius strips, Klein bottle, projective space), and non-Euclidean geometries in two and three dimensions; contributions of Euclid, Gauss, Lobachevsky, Bolyai, Riemann, and Hilbert. Prerequisite: Mathematics 32 or 41 or consent of instructor.

124. Combinatorics. Permutations and combinations, generating functions, recurrence relations; topics in enumeration theory, including the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion and Polya Theory; topics in graph theory, including trees, circuits, and matrix representations; applications. Prerequisites: Mathematics 104 or consent of instructor.

126. Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory. Fundamental properties of linear programs; linear inequalities and convex sets; primal simplex method, duality; integer programming; two-person and matrix games. Prerequisite: Mathematics 104.

128. Number Theory. Divisibility properties of integers, prime numbers, congruences, quadratic reciprocity, number-theoretic functions, simple continued fractions, rational approximations; contributions of Fermat, Euler, and Gauss. Prerequisite: Mathematics 32 or 41, or consent of instructor.

131. Elementary Differential Equations. Solution of differential equations of elementary types; formation and integration of equations arising in applications. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 111. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103; corequisite: Mathematics 104.

132S. Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations. Theory and applications of systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Topics may include qualitative behavior, numerical experiments, oscillations, bifurcations, deterministic chaos, fractal dimension of attracting sets, delay differential equations, and applications to the biological and physical sciences. Prerequisite: Mathematics 111 or 131 or consent of instructor. (Revised 4/24/96.)

133. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. Heat, wave, and potential equations: scientific context, derivation, techniques of solution, and qualitative properties. Topics to include Fourier series and transforms, eigenvalue problems, maximum principles, Green's functions, and characteristics. Intended primarily for mathematics majors and those with similar backgrounds. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 114 or 211. Prerequisite: Mathematics 111 or 131 or consent of instructor. {( Approved 9/12/95.)

135. Probability. Probability models, random variables with discrete and continuous distributions. Independence, joint distributions, conditional distributions. Expectations, functions of random variables, central limit theorem. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103. C-L: Statistics 104.

136. Statistics. Sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, maximum likelihood estimators. Tests of hypotheses, the Neyman-Pearson theorem. Bayesian methods. Not open to students who have had Statistics 112 or 213. Prerequisites: Mathematics 104 and 135. C-L: Statistics 114.

139. Advanced Calculus I. Algebraic and topological structure of the real number system; rigorous development of one-variable calculus including continuous, differentiable, and Riemann integrable functions and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; uniform convergence of a sequence of functions; contributions of Newton, Leibniz, Cauchy, Riemann, and Weierstrass. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 203. Prerequisite: Mathematics 103.

149S. Problem Solving Seminar. Techniques for attacking and solving challenging mathematical problems and writing mathematical proofs. Course may be repeated. Consent of instructor required. Half course.

150. Topics in Mathematics from a Historical Perspective. Content of course determined by instructor. Prerequisite: Mathematics 139 or 203 or consent of instructor.

160. Mathematical Numerical Analysis. Zeros of functions; polynomial interpolation and splines; numerical integration and differentiation; applications to ordinary differential equations; numerical linear algebra; error analysis; extrapolation and acceleration. Not open to students who have had Computer Science 121, 150, 221, or 250. Mathematics 160 or 221, but not both, may count toward the major requirements. Prerequisites: Mathematics 103 and 104 and knowledge of an algorithmic programming language, or consent of instructor.

181. Complex Analysis. Complex numbers, analytic functions, complex integration, Taylor and Laurent series, theory of residues, argument maximum principles, conformal mapping. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 114 or 212. Prerequisite: Mathematics 139 or 203.

187. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Propositional calculus; predicate calculus. Gödel completeness theorem, applications to formal number theory, incompleteness theorem, additional topics in proof theory or computability; contributions of Aristotle, Boole, Frege, Hilbert, and Gödel. Prerequisites: Mathematics 103 and 104 or Philosophy 103.

188. Logic and its Applications. Topics in proof theory, model theory, and recursion theory; applications to computer science, formal linguistics, mathematics, and philosophy. Usually taught jointly by faculty members from the departments of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy. Prerequisite: a course in logic or permission of one of the instructors. C-L: Computer Science 148; Philosophy 150. ( Approved 2/8/96.)

191, 192. Independent Study. Directed Reading and research. Admission by consent of instructor and director of undergraduate studies. (See additional information on page 20 of this Handbook.)

193, 194. Independent Study. Same as 191, 192, but for seniors. (See additional information on page 20 of this Handbook.)

196S. Seminar in Mathematical Modeling. Introduction to techniques used in the construction, analysis, and evaluation of mathematical models. Individual modeling projects in biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, medicine, or physics. Prerequisite: Mathematics 111 or 131 or consent of instructor. (Revised 4/24/96.)

197S. Seminar in Mathematics. Intended primarily for juniors and seniors majoring in mathematics. Topics vary. Prerequisites: Mathematics 103 and 104.

200. Introduction to Algebraic Structures I. Laws of composition, groups, rings; isomorphism theorems; axiomatic treatment of natural numbers; polynomial rings; division and Euclidean algorithms. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 121. Prerequisite: Mathematics 104 or equivalent.

201. Introduction to Algebraic Structures II. Vector spaces, matrices and linear transformations, fields, extensions of fields, construction of real numbers. Prerequisite: Mathematics 200, or Mathematics 121 and consent of instructor.

203. Basic Analysis I. Topology of R tex2html_wrap_inline505 , continuous functions, uniform convergence, compactness, infinite series, theory of differentiation, and integration. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 139. Prerequisite: Mathematics 104.

204. Basic Analysis II. Inverse and implicit function theorems, differential forms, integrals on surfaces, Stokes' theorem. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 140. Prerequisite: Mathematics 203, or 139 and consent of instructor.

205. Topology. Elementary topology, surfaces, covering spaces, Euler characteristic, fundamental group, homology theory, exact sequences. Prerequisite: Mathematics 104.

206. Differential Geometry. Geometry of curves and surfaces, the Serret-Frenet frame of a space curve, the Gauss curvature, Cadazzi-Mainardi equations, the Gauss-Bonnet formula. Prerequisite: Mathematics 104.

211. Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering I. Heat and wave equations, initial and boundary value problems, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, potential theory. Not open to students who have had Mathematics 133 or 230. Prerequisites: Mathematics 114 or equivalent. (Revised 2/26/96.)

216. Applied Stochastic Processes. An introduction to stochastic processes without measure theory. Topics selected from: Markov chains in discrete and continuous time, queuing theory, branching processes, martingales, Brownian motion, stochastic calculus. Not open to students who have taken Mathematics 240. Prerequisite: Mathematics 135 or equivalent. C-L: Statistics 253. (Renumbered 10/10/95; formerly MTH 240.)

217. Introduction to Linear Models. Multiple linear regression. Estimation and prediction. Likelihood, Bayesian, and geometric methods. Analysis of variance and covariance. Residual analysis and diagnostics. Model building, selection, and validation. Not open to students who have taken the former Mathematics 241. Prerequisites: Mathematics 104 and Statistics 113 or 210. C-L: Statistics 244. (Renumbered 10/10/95; formerly MTH 241.)

218. Introduction to Multivariate Statistics. Multinormal distributions, multivariate general linear model, Hotelling's tex2html_wrap_inline507 statistic, Roy union-intersection principle, principal components, canonical analysis, factor analysis. Not open to students who have taken the former Mathematics 242. Prerequisite: Mathematics 217 or equivalent. C-L: Statistics 245. (Renumbered 10/10/95; formerly MTH 242.)

221. Numerical Analysis. Error analysis, interpolation and spline approximation, numerical differentiation and integration, solutions of linear systems, nonlinear equations, and ordinary differential equations. Prerequisites: knowledge of an algorithmic programming language, intermediate calculus including some differential equations, and Mathematics 104. C-L: Computer Science 250.

233. Asymptotic and Perturbation Methods. Asymptotic solution of linear and nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. Asymptotic evaluation of integrals. Singular perturbation. Boundary layer theory. Multiple scale analysis. Prerequisite: Mathematics 114 or equivalent.

238, 239. Topics in Applied Mathematics. Conceptual basis of applied mathematics, graph theory, game theory, mathematical programming, numerical analysis, or problems drawn from industry or from academic science or engineering. Prerequisites: Mathematics 103 and 104 or equivalents. (Revised 10/10/95.)

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William G. Mitchener
Tue Sep 3 16:48:03 EDT 1996