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Students who plan to pursue graduate work in statistics or operations research should follow a program similar to that given above for graduate study in mathematics and should include some of the following electives: Mathematics 135, 136, 216, and 217, as well as CPS 6 and 100. A strong background in mathematics (especially analysis and linear algebra) and computing is the best basis for graduate work in statistics.

Students who do not intend to pursue graduate work should elect Mathematics 135, 136, 217, CPS 6 or 100 as well as some of the following courses: Mathematics 216, 218, 160 (or 221), STA 242, 203S, CPS 108. Statistics students at all levels are encouraged to take computer programming courses.

At present, job prospects are good at all degree levels for those who have a strong background in statistics and some computer programming experience. For further information, see Valen Johnson, Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences (219A Old Chemistry, 684-8753,

William G. Mitchener
Tue Sep 3 16:48:03 EDT 1996