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For teaching certification, most states require competence in four
areas: analysis, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. That
competence can be attained through the successful completion of the
required and recommended courses listed below.
Required Recommended
Analysis (139 or 203) Number theory (128)
Algebra (121 or 200) Numerical Analysis (160, CPS 150, or CPS 250)
Geometry (123) Logic (187)
Probability/Statistics (135, 136) Combinatorics (124)
Computer Science (CPS 4 or 6) Differential Equations (131)
Seminar in Mathematical Modeling (196S)
Physics (PHY 41L-42L, 51L-52L, or 53L-54L)
A student interested in becoming a secondary mathematics teacher
should contact Jack Bookman (211 Physics Building, 660-2831, There are several paths that one might
pursue to major in mathematics and also to be certified to teach:
To become certified to teach so that one can go directly into
secondary school teaching upon completion of an undergraduate degree,
a student must take the required mathematics courses listed above,
complete the requirements for the mathematics major, take a required
set of education courses, and complete a teaching internship during
the spring semester of the senior year. Contact the Program in
Education (213 West Duke Building, East Campus, 660-3075) for a more
complete description of these requirements.
Alternatively, a student may complete the undergraduate degree in
mathematics and proceed directly to graduate school to obtain a master
of arts in teaching or a master of arts in mathematics education.
Either degree prepares one for a secondary school teaching position
with an advanced pay scale, and some junior colleges employ teachers
who hold these degrees. Duke has a program that leads to a master of
arts in teaching; for more information about this program see Rosemary
Thorne (138B Social Sciences, 684-4353,
To teach in a private school, only an undergraduate degree with a
major or minor in mathematics may be required. However, a mathematics
major is highly recommended, and EDU 246 should be taken.
Next: Graduate study in mathematics
Up: Recommended Course Sequences
Previous: Actuarial science
William G. Mitchener
Tue Sep 3 16:48:03 EDT 1996