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Graduate study in mathematics

A student planning to pursue graduate study in mathematics should develop a program of study that provides both variety of experience and a strong background in fundamental areas. The core courses for either pure or applied mathematics are Mathematics 181, 200-201, and 203-204; one of the sequences 200-201/203-204 should be taken no later than the junior year. Mathematics 131, 160 (or 221), 205, and 206 are recommended. Students interested in applied mathematics should consider Mathematics 132S, 133, 135, 136, 196S, and 216. Advanced students are encouraged to take standard graduate-level courses (numbered 231 and above) in their senior (and occasionally in their junior) years: in particular, Mathematics 241, 245, and 251 are recommended.

Graduate programs usually expect that applicants will take the Graduate Record Examination Subject Test in mathematics, which emphasizes linear algebra, abstract algebra, and advanced calculus, but also includes questions about complex analysis, topology, combinatorics, probability, statistics, number theory, and algorithmic processes.

William G. Mitchener
Tue Sep 3 16:48:03 EDT 1996