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Linear Filters

Part 4: Passing Frequencies Through

In this part, we are going to see how to predict which frequencies are passed though a linear filter unchanged. If our linear filter has the equation

yk+n + a1 yk+n-1 + .... + an-1 yk+1 + an yk = zk,

then we are looking to solve the equation

yk+n + a1 yk+n-1 + .... + an-1 yk+1 + an yk = yk,

which is the same as the homogeneous equation

yk+n + a1 yk+n-1 + .... + an-1 yk+1 + (an - 1) yk = 0.

Thus, we can use the methods of the previous part to also solve our current problem.

  1. Find as large a linearly independent set of signals as you can that are passed through unchanged by the linear filter

    yk+2 + yk = zk.

    Discuss the significance of what you have found.

  2. Find as large a linearly independent set of signals as you can that are passed through unchanged by the linear filter

    yk+4 - yk+2 + 2 yk = zk

    from Part 2. Compare your answers to the observations you made there.

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