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Complex Line Integrals I

Part 2: Experimentation

The following Java applet will let you experiment with complex line integrals over curves that you draw out with your mouse. Follow the steps listed below for each line integral you want to evaluate.

Complex Line Integral Evaluator

Directions for use

Now carry out the following experiments. For each integral, record on your worksheet the function used, the initial and terminal points, and the value of the integral.

  1. Select the z2 function and any pair of initial and terminal points. Draw the curve and display the value of the integral. Repeat for two other curves connecting the same initial and terminal points.

  2. Repeat Step 1 for the function ez.

  3. Repeat Step 1 for the function (conjugate(z))^2.

  4. Select the 1/z function. Place the green initial point on the right side of the origin near the real axis and the red terminal point on the left side of the origin near the real axis. Draw a curve connecting the two points such that the curve passes above the origin and display the value of the integral. Repeat with an additional curve with the same initial and terminal points -- each curve passing above the origin.

  5. Keep the same initial and terminal points as in Step 4. This time display the values of the line integrals for two curves that pass below the origin.

  6. Place the terminal point on top of the initial point. (Thus, when you draw the curve it will be closed.)

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