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Surfaces and Contour Plots

Part 4: Graphs of Functions of Two Variables

The graph of a function z = f(x,y) is also the graph of an equation in three variables and is therefore a surface. Since each pair (x,y) in the domain determines a unique value of z, the graph of a function must satisfy the "vertical line test" already familiar from single-variable calculus. Some of the surfaces we have encountered in the preceding sections are graphs of functions and some are not.

  1. Which (if any) of the Cartesian coordinate surfaces x = c, y = c, and z = c are graphs of functions? Explain.
  2. What familiar surface is the graph of the function z = x2 + y2?
  3. Which (if any) of the following quadric surfaces are graphs of functions? Explain.
  4. Which (if any) of the following cylinders are graphs of functions? Explain.

From economics we have the important concept of a Cobb-Douglas production function, the simplest example of which is f(x,y) = . In economic terms, the function relates productivity to labor and capital. The graph of this function for 0 < x < 2 and 0 < y < 2 is shown below.

  1. Make your own picture of the Cobb-Douglas function f(x,y) =  in your worksheet, and rotate it to view the surface from various angles.
  2. A more general form for Cobb-Douglas functions is f(x,y) = xay1-a, where 0 < a < 1. What value of a gives the function in step 5? Vary a between 0 and 1, and redraw the surface. What stays the same when you change a? What changes?

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