Xiuyuan Cheng
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
Duke University
Gross Hall 301
140 Science Dr.
[Google map]
120 Science Dr.
Durham, NC 27708
As an applied analyst, I develop theoretical and computational techniques to solve problems in high-dimensional data analysis, signal processing, and machine learning.
Here is my CV.
Selected publications
X. Cheng and N. Wu.
"Eigen-convergence of Gaussian kernelized graph Laplacian by manifold heat interpolation".
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 61, 132-190 (2022).
[arXiv: 2101.09875]
X. Cheng and A. Cloninger.
"Classification logit two-sample testing by neural networks for differentiating near manifold densities.''
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2022).
[arXiv: 1909.11298]
X. Cheng and Y. Xie.
"Neural tangent kernel maximum mean discrepancy".
The 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).
[arXiv: 2106.03227]
X. Cheng and G. Mishne.
"Spectral embedding norm: looking deep into the spectrum of the graph Laplacian".
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (2020).
[arXiv: 1810.10695]
X. Cheng, Q. Qiu, R. Calderbank, and G. Sapiro.
"RotDCF: Decomposition of convolutional filters for rotation-equivariant deep networks".
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2019).
[arXiv: 1805.06846]
X. Cheng and A. Singer.
"The spectrum of high-dimensional random inner-product matrices".
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications, 02, 04 (2013).
Recent teaching
Course materials are distributed via Duke system Sakai.
May you have any question about class, send me an email!
Spring 2024: Math 532 Basic Analysis II.
New site on Canvas!
Fall 2023:
Math 631 Measure and Integration
Math 465 Introduction to High Dimensional Data Analysis
[Syllabus] (co-taught with Dr. Jiajia Yu).