- Page 37, equation (2.49), the righthandside of the first eqn should
be (p_+(xs,t) + p_-(xs,t))/2 -- the shock speed for Burgers' eqn is the
average of the solution immediately ahead/behind the shock.
- Page 66, line 7 (un-numbered integral equation for critical point
condition), the sign in front of the last integral (with coefficient gamma)
should be a minus sign (not plus).
- Page 74, exercise 3.1, part (d), the boundary condition should be
y'(0)=0, not y'(0)=1.
- Page 226, LHS, last two terms of first line of (11.22) the derivatives
of c with respect to x should be with c-tilde's not c-bar's.
- Page 226, unnumbered equation above (11.23), the coefficient of the
third integral (integral of u-tilde) should be the x-derivative of c-bar
(not just c-bar by itself).
- Page 257, solution to problem 2.3(a): First line is missing a "+"
between the cosines on the RHS of the eqn. Equation for rho has an extra "x"
at the end of the argument of the first cosine
- Please email me any other errata/typos you spot, thank you --
witelski at math.duke.edu