Shira Viel

Assistant Professor of the Practice of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
Duke University
Shira Viel
Email: shira.viel [at]
Office: Physics Building #035
Mailing Address: 120 Science Drive, Box 90320, Durham NC 27708

I am an Assistant Professor of the Practice of Mathematics at Duke University where I focus primarily on the Calculus sequence
through teaching, research, coordination, and curriculum development. I am passionate about fostering inclusion in mathematics.
Current research interests include undergraduate STEM students' sense of classroom community, graduate student professional
development, and grading and assessment policies.


Fall 2024

Fall 2024 Office Hours
Please see the Math 111L Help page for resources for assistance.

Previous courses taught at Duke:
Campus resources for academic support:


My current research is focused on the scholarship of teaching and learning introductory undergraduate mathematics. Ongoing projects include: Other research interests are drawn from my training in algebraic combinatorics, including my dissertation work on surface and orbifold models of cluster algebras under the direction of Nathan Reading. In general, I enjoy combinatorial questions with a concrete, geometric flavor.

Publications and Conference Proceedings


I love sharing my love of mathematics! I particularly enjoy working with younger students and demonstrating that math is for everyone. Selected events listed below.


Outside of teaching and doing mathematics, I enjoy baking, Ultimate, crosswords, and spending time outdoors with my family.