Sarah P. Duke Gardens
This is a no frills conference. No free continental breakfast, but we will have Keurig coffee in the lounge for breaks. Places to eat and get better coffee.
10:30-11 Coffee Break
11:00 Sumit Mukherjee (Columbia)
Monochromatic subgraphs of uniformly randomly colored graphs
12-1:30 Lunch
1:30 Wei-Kuo Chen (Minnesota)
Phase transition in spiked random tensors
2:30 Megan Bernstein (Georgia Tech)
Cutoff with window for the random to random shuffle
3:30-4 Coffee Break
4:00 Elliot Paquette (Ohio State)
Random matrix point processes via stochastic processes
6:00 Dinner at Piedmont Restaurant for speakers and faculty (and postdoc) participants
10:30-11 Coffee Break
11:00 Hanbaek Lyu (Ohio State)
Double jump phase transition in soliton cellular automata
See map for locations. Physics is near the little circle at the end of Science Drive. Turn right at the corner before it and the lot next to the Bryan Center has parking for the bargain rate of $12 per day.
There is no fee to attend or formal registration process. However if you plan to attend please email rtd at math dot duke dot edu
This meeting is co-sponsored by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics