PDF's and arXiv coordinates for short talks

Tom Alberts
Random measures in two-dimensional conformally invariant systems

Partha Sarathi Dey
Applications of Stein's method for concentration inequalities
arXiv: 0906.1034

Jian Ding
The mixing of critical Ising model on trees is polynomial in the height

Hugo Duminil-Copin
2D Ising model and random walks

Sam Finch
1-dependent percolation and random cluster models on trees

Vadim Gorin
Around lozenge tilings of a hexagon
arXiv: 0905.0679

Clement Hongler
The energy density in the 2D Ising model

Yilei Hu
Multi-particle reinforced random walk

Stephanie Jacquot
A historical law of large numbers for the Marcus-Lushnikov process

Julia Komjathy
Order of current variance in interacting particle systems

Jeffrey Kuan
Large time asymptotics of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns with a reflecting wall
arXiv: 0712.1848v1 * 0904.2607v1

Hubert Lacoin
Very strong disorder for directed polymers in environment

Tom LaGatta
Riemannian first passage percolation
arXiv: 0907.2228

Cyrille Lucas
The arcsine law as the limit of the internal DLA cluster generated by Sinai's walk

Oren Louidor
Mixing time analysis of the Glauber dynamics for the q-state Potts model on the complete graph

Peter Mester
Percolation with two big clusters.

Weiyang Ning
Mixing Time of Swendsen-Wang dynamics on complete graph

Ross Pinsky
Transience/recurrence and the speed of a one-dimensional random walk in a ``Have your cookie and eat it'' environment

Eviatar B.Procaccia
Mutual exited random walks

Leonardo Rolla
Phase transition for activated random walk models

Bruno Schapira
Modified Cauchy walk

Emmanuel Schertzer
The voter model and the Potts model in one dimension

Christoph Temmel
K-independent percolation on trees

David Windisch
Random walks, disconnection and random interlacements
arXiv: 0907.1627

Martin Zerner
Lyapunov exponents of the Green's function for small random potentials.
arXiv: 0903.4928