Mathematical Cryptography (Math 404)
An introduction to mathematical cryptography.
Fall 2017
Paul Aspinwall
Credits: 1.00, Hours: 03.0
Time: Tuesday and Thursday 10:05AM - 11:20AM.
Location: Physics 235
Exams: - Midterm: Tuesday, October 3.
- Final: Sunday, December 17, 7:00PM-10:00PM
Office Hours: see Sakai.
- will be given weekly. It will be posted as assignments on
Math 221 or 216, and some programming experience, preferably
Python. Math 401 or 501 would be useful.
A rough outline (not necessarily in order) is as follows
- Introductory ideas
- Substitution ciphers
- Modular arithmetic
- Symmetric and asymmetric ciphers
- Discrete Logarithms
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- El Gamal public key encryption
- A collision algorithm
- Integer Factorizations
- RSA public key encryption
- Pollard's factorization algorithm
- Smooth numbers and sieves
- The Quadratic sieve.
- Information Theory
- Pollard's ρ method
- P vs NP
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
- The elliptic curve discrete logarithm
- Lenstra's algorithm
- Elliptic curves over F2 and
- Applications
- Digital Signatures
- Hash algorithms
- DES and AES
The course will be based on the text:
It may also be useful to refer to
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