SouthEastern Regional Meeting on Numbers 2020
at Duke University

We have postponed this gathering out of concerns regarding travel and group events at this time. Please check back for information on when we will reschedule this event. We hope it will take place later in 2020.

Funded by:
NSA Mathematical Sciences Program
National Science Foundation
Duke Mathematics Department


Please fill out the registration form if you will attend
(even if you do not request travel support)
so that we can get an estimate on numbers,
particularly for the sponsored conference dinner.
Looking forward to seeing you there.

Samit Dasgupta
Professor, Duke University

Lillian Pierce
Associate Professor, Duke University

Plenary Speakers:
Shabnam Akhtari
Associate Professor, University of Oregon

Alexandra Florea
Ritt Assistant Professor, Columbia University

Hannah Larson
Graduate Student, Stanford University

Brian Lawrence
NSF Postdoc, University of Chicago

Alexander Smith
Graduate Student, Harvard University

David Zureick-Brown
Associate Professor, Emory University

What is...?
What is... a motive?
What is... a Galois representation?
What is... the Chabauty method?
What is... a reductive group?
What is... smoothing?
What is... decoupling?

Questions from: our participants
Answers presented by: Dick Hain, Samit Dasgupta, Joe Rabinoff, Heekyoung Hahn, Frank Thorne, Lillian Pierce

This was originally planned for 3-5 April 2020.
We have now postponed the event until later in 2020.

There will be several plenary talks, as well as a sequence of
shorter What is...? talks on topics suggested by our participants.

Travel support
The workshop series has a limited budget from which to provide partial support for travel, through a grant held this year by Clemson University. In order to stretch our budget, we encourage car pooling and students to share lodging as much as possible. If you are requesting partial travel support, please fill out the form (PDF) and send it to Prof. Hui Xue by email (huixue at clemson dot edu) at Clemson University.

Practical information
Please see the information on the local department webpage:
Visiting Duke Math

The events on Friday will take place in the Duke Math Department, in the Physics Building on Science Drive.

The events on Saturday and Sunday will take place a short walk away from the math department, at The Edge in Bostock Library.
The Edge

A little history
The SouthEastern Regional Meeting on Numbers is a workshop series of small, friendly, and informal gathering of number theorists and combinatorialists. Faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students are all invited to participate. The first workshop in the series took place at UNC Greensboro in 1988. Since then it has taken place every year at various universities in the southeast. In 2019 it was at UNCG and now it has come to Duke University in 2020.

See the homepage for the SouthEast Regional Meeting On Numbers for more general information and to subscribe to the e-mail list.