Lillian Pierce

Professor of Mathematics
Duke University

Office: Gross Hall
Mailing Address: 120 Science Drive
Durham, North Carolina, 27708
pierce (()) math () duke () edu

ICM 2022
ICM 2022 talk: The Hedgehog and the Fox
ICM 2022 slides: The Hedgehog and the Fox
ICM 2022 Proceedings:
Counting problems: class groups, primes, and number fields

Research Interests
Analytic Number Theory and Harmonic Analysis

Currently: Supported by NSF DMS-2200470 (2022-2025) and DMS-1652173 CAREER (2017-2023)
2024: Guggenheim Fellowship, Simons Research Fellowship

Paths: a project of recollection, by mathematicians (March-April 2020)