For ease of reference, these are my plans for (future and recent past) seminar talks and travel, mainly to conferences and workshops. I will try to keep this page as up-to-date as possible.
of my travel schedule from previous years
2024 | |
February 12 | Geometry Topology Seminar, Georgia Tech. |
March 23-24 | AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Florida State. |
March 25 | IAS/Princeton Symplectic Geometry Seminar, IAS. |
May 24 | Symplectic Zoominar, online. |
October 31 | Differential Geometry and Symplectic Geometry Seminar and Colloquium (two talks), University of Minnesota. |
2025 | |
February 17 | UGA/GaTech Topology Seminar, University of Georgia. |
March 10-14 | At the American Institute of Mathematics, Pasadena. |
April 7 | Geometry-Topology Seminar, University of Maryland. |
April 28-May 2 | Gauge Theory and Floer Homology in Low Dimensional Topology, Simons Center, Stony Brook. |
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