Lenny Ng

Department of Mathematics
Duke University

Office: Physics 216
Phone: 919-660-6972
Email: my surname at math dot duke dot edu
(further contact information here)

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Papers and preprints

Teaching (Spring 2025: Math 612)

Travel schedule

Contact information

Curriculum vitae

Legendrian knot and link atlases

Legendrian knot gallery

Putnam solutions

About me

I am an organizer for the CBMS Summer School on Legendrian Links and the Microlocal Theory of Sheaves, being held at Georgia Tech June 9-13, 2025. Please apply if you're interested in attending; the application deadline is March 28. (January 2025)

Duke undergraduate research opportunities in math for summer 2025: applications for Math+ and PRUV are now open. The deadline for Math+ applications is February 15. (January 2025)

Solutions to the 2024 Putnam competition are now available. (December 2024)

I was an organizer for Frontiers in Geometry and Topology, the 2022 graduate summer school and research conference in honor of Tom Mrowka. Here are the relevant web pages for the graduate summer school and the research conference. (May 2022)

I help to organize the Triangle Topology Seminar, a joint seminar between Duke, NCSU, and UNC. Here is a link to upcoming seminars.

I am an editor for the journal Quantum Topology. Please send me a message if you are interested in submitting an article, especially in symplectic and contact topology.