Jonathan Mousley Research Publications Visualizations Teaching Outreach News Media CV (updated: 5/8/24)

About Me

My name is Jonathan Mousley. I am a second-year Mathematics PhD student at Duke University. I am currently supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and minor in Mechanical Engineering from Utah State University in spring 2022. I have interest in the intersections of Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

Office: Gross Hall 304
Youtube: @JonathanMousleyMath
Calendly: jonathanmousley (schedule a meeting with Jonathan)



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As an Undergraduate Research Fellow at Utah State University, I studied spectral methods for optimal graph layouts and labelings of directed graphs under Dr. David Brown and Dr. LeRoy Beasley. Most of my time was spent studying (2,3)-cordial labelings of directed graphs, a labeling scheme that intuitively implies balance in directed graphs. For more information, see publications.

university of michigan dearborn logo university of michigan dearborn logo

At the University of Michigan-Dearborn REU Site in Mathematical Analysis and Applications in the summer of 2021, I studied a model for phase retrieval with applications to optical microscopy, a computational imaging technique that involves reconstructing a high-resolution image from many low-resolution images. My mentors were Dr. Aditya Viswanathan and Dr. Yulia Hristova.

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During summer 2021, I participated in research at the Summer Geometry Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I participated in projects on discrete analogues to operators on smooth surfaces, 3D image reconstrution from 2D images, and anisotropic Schrödinger Bridge Optimal transport. My project mentors were Dr. Amir Vaxman (Utrecht University), Dr. Noah Snavley (Cornell University), and Dr. Justin Solomon (MIT).


block diagonal matrix
Eigenvector Based Block Vector Synchronization with Applications to Ptychographic Imaging.

Baker, N., Flynn J., Mousley J., Hristova Y., Viswanathan A.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2024. Accepted 2024 Mar 19.

abstract arXiv (coming soon)

We consider the problem of recovering a complex vector (up to a global unimodular constant) given noisy and incomplete outer product measurements. Such problems arise when implementing distributed clock synchronization schemes, radar autofocus methods, and phaseless signal recovery. This problem is known as vector synchronization and is a variant of the more common angular synchronization problem. In applications with windowed measurements and/or convolutional models - for example, phase retrieval from STFT magnitude data, the outer product measurement matrix is highly incomplete and has a block diagonal structure. We describe a vector synchronization technique which applies an eigenvector computation to blocks of this matrix followed by a block compatibility operation to piece together the final solution. We provide theoretical guarantees (in the noiseless case) and empirical simulations demonstrating the accuracy and efficiency of the method.
fan graph
Cordiality of Digraphs.

Beasley, L., Mousley J., Santana M., Brown D.
Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications 10 (2023), 1-13.

abstract arXiv

A (0,1)-labelling of a set is said to be friendly if approximately one half the elements of the set are labelled 0 and one half labelled 1. Let g be a labelling of the edge set of a graph that is induced by a labelling f of the vertex set. If both g and f are friendly then g is said to be a cordial labelling of the graph. We extend this concept to directed graphs and investigate the cordiality of sets of directed graphs. We investigate a specific type of cordiality on digraphs, a restriction of quasigroup-cordiality called (2,3)-cordiality. A directed graph is (2,3)-cordial if there is a friendly labelling f of the vertex set which induces a (1,−1,0)-labelling of the arc set g such that about one third of the arcs are labelled 1, about one third labelled -1 and about one third labelled 0. In particular we determine which tournaments are (2,3)-cordial, which orientations of the n-wheel are (2,3)-cordial, and which orientations of the n−fan are (2,3)-cordial.

(2,3)-Cordial Oriented Hypercubes.

Mousley, J., Beasley L., Santana M., Brown D.
Submitted as conference proceedings at SEICCGTC 2021.

abstract arXiv

In this article we investigate the existence of (2,3)-cordial labelings of oriented hypercubes. In this investigation, we determine that there exists a (2,3)-cordial oriented hypercube for any dimension divisible by 3. Next, we provide examples of (2,3)-cordial oriented hypercubes of dimension not divisible by 3 and state a conjecture on existence for dimension 3k + 1. We close by presenting the only 3D oriented hypercubes up to isomorphism that are not (2,3)-cordial.
petersen graph
(2,3)-Cordial Trees and Paths.

Santana, M., Beasley L., Mousley J., Brown D.
Submitted as conference proceedings at SEICCGTC 2021.

abstract arXiv

Recently L. B. Beasley introduced (2,3)-cordial labelings of directed graphs in [1]. He made two conjectures which we resolve in this article. He conjectured that every orientation of a path of length at least five is (2,3) cordial, and that every tree of max degree n=3 has a cordial orientation. We show these two conjectures to be false. We also discuss the (2,3) cordiality of orientations of the Petersen graph, and establish an upper bound for the number of edges a graph can have and still be (2,3) cordial. An application of (2,3) cordial labelings is also presented.


Spectral Graph Drawings

This is a nice application of Linear Algebra (specifically the concepts of eigenvectors, quadratic forms, and optimization) applied to Graph Theory. A graph is simply an object with nodes and edges. Each graph has an associated symmetric matrix called the Laplacian. It turns out that the quadratic form defined by the Laplacian has a physical interpretation: the potential energy of the system if there was a mass at each node and each edge was a spring. The eigenvectors of this quadratic form associated with smallest eigenvalues are then minimizers of this energy. We can then take these eigenvectors to be the coordinates of nodes of the graph, creating a 2D plot of the graph (if we choose 2 eigenvectors) or a 3D plot (if we choose 3 eigenvectors). This plot is known as a spectral drawing of a graph. Given above is a smooth interpolation of a graph known as the buckyball from a random "high" energy drawing to a spectral drawing ("low" energy). Generally speaking, a spectral drawing may give better insight into the structure of the network.

Schrödinger Bridge Optimal Transport (Left) vs. Anisotropic Schrödinger Bridge Optimal Transport (Right)

Interpolation on the left is dictated by the geometry of the surface alone. On the right, anisotropy tensors (visualized by ellipses) make local modifications to the metric of the surface and influence the transport interpolation. Intuitively, along long axes of ellipses, the surface is "pinched" and along short axes of ellipses, the surface is "stretched." The algorithms used to produce these visuals were designed collaboratively by me, Juan Atehortúa, Faria Huq, Adrish Dey, and Dr. Justin Solomon at SGI 2021. Special thanks to Dr. Keenan Crane who created this mesh.


I’m passionate about teaching mathematics. During undergrad, I worked as both a tutor and recitation instructor for my department. I worked as a recitation instructor for Math 2250: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations for six consecutive semesters and Math 2210: Multivariable Calculus for one semester. At Duke, I have been a teaching assistant for Calculus I and Linear Algebra.

Course Term Role Institution
Math 218D-1: Linear Algebra Spr24 Teaching Assistant Duke University
Math 111L: Laboratory Calculus I F23 Teaching Assistant Duke University
Math 111L: Laboratory Calculus I F22 Teaching Assistant Duke University
Math 2250: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Spr22, F21, Spr 21, F20, Spr 20, F19 Recitation Instructor Utah State University
Math 2210: Multivariable Calculus F21 Recitation Instructor Utah State University


I served as the Academic Senator for the College of Science at Utah State University. I ran on an agenda to expand the visibility of undergraduate research opportunities on campus and to secure funding for our student-run peer mentorship program. To accomplish these goals, I recruited nearly 30 undergraduates to serve on our student council. While in office, I worked with this council to hold several research themed events, including two Rapid Fire Research presentation nights and an REU Application Preparation Workshop.


My hobbies include reading (math and non-math related), hockey, making espresso, and being outside with my three-year-old mini-labradoodle named Euler.


April 2024 – Paper on UM-Dearborn REU work accepted

Our paper "Eigenvector Based Block Vector Synchronization with Applications to Ptychographic Imaging" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.

August 2022 – Duke University

I began my PhD in Mathematics at Duke University.

May 2022 – B.S. in Mathematics

I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Utah State University with a B.S. in Mathematics and minor in Mechanical Engineering.

April 2022 – NSF GRFP

I have been awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences.