Math 690: Quantum Scientific Computing (Spring 2024)

Instructor: Di Fang         Syllabus

Please find the Course webpage on Canvas! This page is generated from Canvas and intended solely for maintaining a record of the teaching schedule and may not be consistently updated.

Please find the references (textbooks) for the course in the syllabus.


The chapters are:

  • Ch1 Basic QC Glossary (states, gates, measurements; relationship between quantum computing v.s. classical computing; no cloning theorem; EQA)
  • Ch2 Hamiltonian Simulation & Trotterization
  • Ch3 QFT & Quantum Phase Estimation (including applications of Trotter + QPE/QEEP, such as Hamiltonian learning, and HHL)
  • Ch4 Grover Search & Amplitude Amplification
  • Ch5 Block-encoding and its applications (including LCU, Qubitization, QSP/QSVT, OAA, optimal Hamiltonian simulation, Quantum linear systems algorithms -- QLSA by QSVT, non-unitary dynamics)

Tentative Course Plan:  

Slides for the first few lectures (basic QC Glossary): basicQC.pdf
Some handwritten notes may be posted (not guaranteed to be typo-free); or References will be provided.

Week Wednesday Friday
1 Course Policy; Philosophy/Motivation; History; Start of basic QC Glossary (braket notations) 
 [Lecture Notes]

QC Glossary continued: Quantum States (qubits); Unitary operators (quantum gates); No-cloning theorem (simple version)

[Lecture Notes]

common quantum gates; Universal gate sets; Solovay-Kitaev Theorem;  Quantum Circuits

[Lecture Notes] 

(References on the proof of Solovay-Kitaev Theorem: [Childs Ch2.3], [Nielsen-Chuang Appendix 3], and a mathematically rigor proof with all gaps filled.)


Measurements (measurement in different basis, partial measurement, observable); SWAP test; Relationship of Quantum Computing v.s. Classical Computing (reversible classical computing)

[Lecture Notes]

Garbage and Uncompute; Exponential Quantum Advantage; No-cloning theorem (full-version)

[Lecture Notes]


Hamiltonian Simulation and Trotterization; different error metrics (special case v.s. worst case); no-fast-forwarding theorem

[Lecture Notes]

(Reference on no-fast-forwarding theorem: [Kothari's MS thesis]

Analysis of Trotterization; Commutator Scaling; Examples

[Lecture Notes]


Watch a talk of your choice and/or think about what topic you'd like to work on for the course project.

Helpful resources (to find inspiration for project topics!)

Phase kickback; Fourier transform on the Boolean cubic; Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm; Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm

[Lecture Notes]


Hadamard test; Quantum Fourier transform; Quantum Phase Estimation

[Lecture Notes]

Analysis of the textbook version QPE, and a brief review of literature on the state-of-the-art QPE and QEEP results.

[Lecture Notes]


Remarks of QPE (A brief review of literature on the state-of-the-arts QPE & QEEP results; How to get $$\log(\delta^{-1})$$ cost dependence);
A taste of Hamiltonian learning and Heisenberg limit (one-qubit and two-qubit case)
[Lecture Notes]

Further reading/watching of QPE & QEEP.

Many-body Hamiltonian learning;
QLSP (Quantum Linear System Problem) and HHL (the Harrow–Hassidim–Lloyd algorithm)

[Lecture Notes]

More on Controlled Rotation; Classical arithmetic circuit;
Grover search; upper bound (Perspective  1)

[Lecture Notes]

Grover search --Analysis of upper bound (Perspective 2&3); Amplitude Amplification.

[Lecture Notes]


Lower bound of Grover; Amplitude Estimation

[Lecture Notes]

Block-encoding, definition and understandings; Properties; linear combination of unitaries (LCU) - simple case

[Lecture Notes]


Happy Spring Break!


linear combination of unitaries (LCU) - general case; near-optimal Hamiltonian simulation by truncated Taylor series; Motivation for OAA

[Lecture Notes]

Oblivious Amplitude Amplification (OAA); QSP (Quantum Signal Processing) and QSVT (quantum singular value tranformation); Optimal Hamiltonian Simulation by QSVT

[Lecture Notes]


Other QSLAs -- talk recording by Robin Kothari  (using LCU + Chebyshev polynomial or Fourier approach for QLSA; Optional)

Improved QLSA (Quantum Linear System Algorithm by QSVT; A dive into the idea of qubitization.

Prep for course project 

Prep for course project 

Quantum (linear) Differential Equation Solvers -- QLSA-based; time-marching and LCHS based (post-QLSA algorithms)

Project presentation
(subject to change)

Project presentation

Project presentation