Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Assistant Professor of Biology (Joint)
Duke University
Phone: +1 (919) 660-2800
213 Physics Bldg
Science Dr, Durham, NC 27708
Brown Applied Mathematics (May 2017, with
Björn Sandstede)
Brown Applied Mathematics (2013)
Mathematics and French, Duke University (2012)
Also find me on
Google Scholar,
Duke Math DEI Team.
I am an Asssistant Professor in Mathematics (Primary) and Biology (Joint) at Duke University. I am interested in mathematical modeling, analysis, and simulation of cell and developmental biology processes, with a focus on providing insights into intracellular transport and filament organization mechanisms. I develop models and analysis/simulation techniques spanning fields such as PDEs/dynamical systems, stochastic processes, and applied topological data analysis.
Recent Group News
Veronica is selected as a mentor for the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program in Summer 2025.
Veronica is awarded the Lee A. Segel Prize for the Best Paper in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology for the publication on "Parameter identifiability in PDE models of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching" (September 2024).
Veronica and Daniel are featured in the "Duets" podcast series by Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, which explores the human side of research collaborations between faculty and undergraduate students at Duke (August 2024).
Research by Veronica, Anna, and collaborators on Minimal Mechanisms of Microtubule Length Regulation in Living Cells is published in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (April 2024).
Research by Veronica and collaborators on Parameter identifiability in PDE models of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching is published in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (March 2024).
Upcoming Activities and Talks
January 21-24th 2025: Co-organizer of ICERM Topical Workshop on Patterns, Dynamics, and Data in Complex System in Providence, RI.
February 28th 2025: Invited Speaker at the Midwest Mathematical Biology Seminar (virtual).
March 11-15th 2025: AIM SQuaRE for research collaboration in Pasadena, CA.
April 2-3rd 2025: Invited Speaker at the Workshop on AI, Data, and PDE at Michigan State University.
May 11-15th 2025: Invited talk in the Minisymposium on Data-driven Modeling and Topological Data Analysis for Complex Biological Systems at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems in Denver, CO.
July 13-18th 2025: Plenary Speaker at the SMB 2025 Annual meeting in Edmonton, Canada.
Spring 2025: Mentoring a Duke undergraduate student in an independent study on "Deciphering RNA organization in developing oocytes through modeling".
April 2024 - present: Supervising a former Duke student on a summer research project on "3D Modeling and simulation of protein linker kinetics in focal adhesions".
Selected Recent Activities
November 25th 2024: Speaker in the Midday Breakthrough seminar series in the Biology Department at Duke University.
November 8th 2024: Invited speaker in the NITMB Seminar Series in Chicago, IL.
November 4-8th 2024: Invited participant at the NITMB Workshop on Random Dynamical Systems, with applications in biology in Chicago, IL.
November 2nd 2024: Faculty Speaker at the New Connections in Math 2024 conference at Duke University.
October 26-27th 2024: Plenary Speaker at the Triangle Computational and Applied Mathematics Symposium (TriCAMS) at UNC Chapel Hill.
September 16-20th 2024: Invited participant and talk at the MATRIX Workshop on Parameter Identifiability in Mathematical Biology in Creswick, Australia.
Professional Affiliations
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB)
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)
Past Activities and Talks
Invited and Conference Talks
- August 13-15th 2024: Plenary speaker at the Young Mathematician Conference 2024 at the Ohio State University in Columbus, OH.
- August 8-9th 2024: Invited Speaker at the Mathematical Biosciences Workshop at Penn State University in State College, PA.
- July 2nd, 2024: Invited talk at the Virtual Colloquium series at the IUPUI applied mathematics REU.
- June 17th, 2024: Lab visit host and presentation for the Girls Exploring Math summer program for Middle School girls in the Durham area.
- June 10-13th 2024: Invited talk in the Minisymposium on Mechanistic Modeling from Inter- to Intra-cellular Phenomena at the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences in Portland, OR.
- June 10-13th, 2024: Co-organizer of two-part minisymposium on Data-driven Modeling of Spatial Subcellular Processes at the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences in Portland, OR.
- May 15-17th 2024: Invited talk on modeling mechanisms of MT polarity at VCU BAMM (Biology and Medicine through Mathematics conference) in Richmond, VA.
- March 18th 2024: Invited talk at the Mathematical Biology Seminar at University of Alberta.
- March 18th 2024: Minisymposium speaker at the Virtual Cell and Developmental Biology Festival Week hosted by the SMB Cell and Developmental Biology (CDEV) Subgroup.
- March 3-8th 2024: Invited speaker for Focus Session on Intracellular Organization and Transport at the APS March meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
- February 27th 2024: Invited talk at the NCSU Biomathematics Seminar at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.
- February 6th 2024: Invited talk at the AWM Chapter at University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC.
- November 12-13th 2022: Invited talk at the 40th Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE) at NC State University in Raleigh, NC.
- July 13th, 2022: Invited talk in the Minisymposium on Quantitative Justice: Intersections between Quantitative Sciences and Social Justice at the SIAM Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
- July 11th, 2022: Invited talk in the Minisymposium on Mathematical Modeling of Intracellular Environment at the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences in Pittsburgh, PA.
- June 23rd, 2022: Lab visit host and presentation for the Girls Exploring Math summer program at Duke University.
- June 28th, 2022: Invited talk in the Systems Medicine Seminar at the University of Florida (virtual).
- June 16th-19th, 2022: Invited talk in the Special Session on Women in Computational Topology at the AWM Research Symposium at the University of Minnesota.
- May 14th-15th, 2022: Invited talk in the AMS Special Session on Computational Topology and Applications at the AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting (virtual).
- May 3rd, 2022: Invited talk in the Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology Seminar Series at the University of Nottingham (virtual).
- April 12th, 2022: Invited talk in the Topology, Geometry, and Data Analysis Seminar at the Ohio State University (virtual).
- April 8th, 2022: Invited talk in the AMS Special Session on Mathematical Models for Biomolecular and Cellular Interactions at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (switched to virtual).
- March 31st, 2022: Invited talk in the MAA Session on Establishing Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Teaching and Research at the Joint Mathematics Meetings (virtual).
- March 26th-27th, 2022: Invited talk in the AMS Special Session on Mathematics of Complex Systems in Biology at the AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting (virtual).
- March 15th, 2022: Invited talk in the Mathematical Biology Seminar at University of Pennsylvania (virtual).
- February 22nd, 2022: Invited speaker for UNC's Applied Math Student Seminar Series at UNC Chapel Hill.
- February 18th, 2022: Invited speaker in the Scientific Session on Quantifying Biological Form and Symmetry Using the Concept of Relative Entropy at the AAAS Annual Meeting (switched to virtual).
- December 16th, 2021: Invited talk at the Mathematics Seminar Series organized by the Mu Alpha Theta National Math Honor Society chapter at Half Hollow Hills High School East in Dix Hills, NY (virtual).
- December 1st, 2021: Invited talk at the Applied Mathematics Seminar at West Virginia University (virtual).
- November 20th-21st, 2021: Invited talk at the Special Session on Topological Data Analysis and its Applications in Biological Systems at the Fall AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting at University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL (virtual).
- October 29th, 2021: Invited talk at the Topology and Data Science Seminar at The University of Oklahoma (virtual).
- October 22nd, 2021: Opening plenary for the Datathon4Justice Workshop organized by the QSIDE Institute (virtual).
- October 17th-22nd, 2021: Co-organized and gave a joint talk at the BIRS Workshop on Mathematics of the Cell: Integrating Signaling, Transport and Mechanics in Banff, Canada.
- October 15th, 2021: Invited talk at the Wolfson Centre for Mathematical Biology Seminar at Oxford University (virtual).
- October 5th, 2021: Invited talk in the Mathematical Biology Seminar at Washington State University (virtual).
- September 17-18th, 2021: Invited talk at the SIAM Southeastern Atlantic Section Conference (SEAS) at Auburn University, AL (switched to virtual).
- September 10th, 2021: Invited talk in the Data Dialogue seminar series at Duke University (virtual).
- September 1st, 2021: Invited talk in the Mathematical Biology seminar series at the University of Melbourne (virtual).
- June 21st, 2021: Invited talk at the TDA seminar at Michigan State University.
- June 11th, 2021: Invited talk at the Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB) seminar.
- May 13th, 2021: Invited talk in the Mathematics of Social Justice class at Bates College.
- April 28th, 2021: Invited talk at the Brandeis University Mathematical Biology Seminar.
- April 23rd-24th, 2021: Roundtable panelist and invited presentation at the UPSTAT Annual Conference on statistics for social justice.
- April 10-15th, 2021: Poster presentation in the Mathematical Modeling session at the American Association of Cancer Research Annual Meeting.
- April 12th, 2021: Invited talk at the Mathematical Biology seminar at the University of California, Davis.
- March 30th, 2021: Invited talk at the Dynamical Systems seminar at the University of Minnesota.
- March 9th, 2021: Invited Talk at ICERM Hot Topics Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice (virtual).
- March 4th, 2021: Invited talk in the session on "Data-driven scientific computing" at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (virtual).
- February 24th, 2021: Invited talk at the Mathematical Biology seminar at the University of British Columbia (virtual).
- February 22nd, 2021: Invited talk at the Applied Mathematics seminar at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (virtual).
- January 9th, 2021: Invited talk in the AMS Special Session on Agent-Based Dynamics and Self-Organization in Biology at JMM (virtual).
- November 16th, 2020: Invited talk in the Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar Series at University of Massachusetts Amherst.
- October 14th, 2020: Invited talk in the Math-Bio Seminar at Virginia Tech University.
- October 12th, 2020: Invited talk in the Graduate-Faculty Seminar at Duke University.
- September 4th, 2020: Colloquium talk in the Department of Mathematics at Cal State Fullerton.
- August 18th, 2020: Invited talk in the session on "Topological and network analyses for data" at the SMB Virtual Annual Meeting (part of the SMB Subgroup on Methods for Biological Modeling).
- June 10th, 2020: Invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science, session on Probabilistic and Topological Methods for Biological Data, Cincinnati, OH (see website for online sessions).
- May 5-8th, 2020: Invited talk at Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Biology at MBI, OSU (online).
- April 14th 2020: Quantitative Biology Institute Seminar at Ohio University, Athens, OH (online).
- January 16th, 2020: Invited talk in the SIAM Minisymposium on Mathematical modeling and simulation of complex biological systems at JMM in Denver, CO.
- January 15th, 2020: Invited talk in the AMS-AWM Special Session on Women in Mathematical Biology at JMM in Denver, CO.
- January 30th, 2020: Seminar in the Department of Mathematics and the Computational Medicine Program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
- January 28th, 2020: Seminar in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
- January 13th, 2020: Talk in the Department of Mathematics at Miami University, Oxford, OH.
- January 10th, 2020: Talk in the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
- January 8th, 2020: Seminar in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Houston, Houston, TX.
- December 13th, 2019: Seminar in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Boston University.
- December 11th, 2019: Colloquium in the Mathematical Sciences Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
- December 4th, 2019: Colloquium in the Mathematics Department at the University of California, San Diego.
- November 25th, 2019: OSU Invited Talk Program at Mount Saint Joseph University, Cincinnati, OH.
- November 15th, 2019: Invited talk in the Networks Seminar at University of Houston, Houston, TX.
- October 31st, 2019: Colloquium in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC.
- September 29th - October 1st, 2019: Research visit and Biophysics Program Seminar at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD.
- September 25th, 2019: Department seminar in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University in Durham, NC.
- August 5-9th, 2019: Invited talk at the Workshop on Applied Mathematical Modeling with Topological Techniques at ICERM, in Providence, RI.
- July 29th-30th: Invited talk and poster at the Tutorial Workshop on Parameter Estimation for Biological Models at NCSU in Raleigh, NC.
- July 22-26th, 2019: Invited talk at the SMB Annual Meeting, session on Multiscale modeling of cytoskeleton-mediated cellular transport and aggregation, Montreal, Canada.
- May 19th-23rd, 2019: Invited talk at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, MS87 on Topological Data Analysis and Applications in Dynamical Systems (May 21st), Snowbird, UT.
- May 1st-3rd, 2019: Class of 1960s Speaker and visit in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Williams College, Williamstown, MA.
- April 12th, 2019: Invited talk in the Mathematical Biology Seminar at Duke University, Durham, NC.
- March 22nd, 2019: Invited talk at the Mathematical Biology Seminar at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- March 21st, 2019: Invited talk at the Modeling and Computation Seminar at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
- February 28th, 2019: Invited talk at the Women in Math and Science club at OSU, Columbus, OH.
- February 8-9th, 2019: Invited speaker in the Quantitative Methods in Understanding Cellular Transport Workshop organized by the Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology, held at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.
- February 2019: Invited talk in the Department of Mathematics at University of California, Riverside.
- January 2019: Invited talk in the Department of Mathematics at University of California, Irvine.
- January 18th, 2019: Invited talk in the AMS Special Session on Recent Advances in Biological Modeling and Related Dynamical Analysis, II at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD.
- January 17th, 2019: Invited talk in the MAA Session on Introducing Mathematical Modeling through Competitions, II at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, held in Baltimore, MD.
- November 29, 2018: Invited talk in the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech University.
- October 11-13, 2018: Invited talk at the SACNAS STEM Diversity Conference, held in San Antonio, TX.
- October 10, 2018: MBI representative talk at the Modern Math Workshop, held in San Antonio, TX.
- September 13, 2018: Featured talk with Dr. Anthony Brown at MBI-CBI Minisymposium on Quantitative Neuroscience, organized by the Chronic Brain Injury Discovery Theme and held at the MBI, Columbus, OH.
- August 12-17, 2018: Invited talk (Modeling microtubules in mRNA localization) and Poster (Agent-based models of actin ring channels) at Workshop on Mathematics of the Cell: Mechanical and Chemical Signaling across Scales, held at Banff International Research Center, Banff, Alberta.
- August 6-9, 2018: Invited Talk at the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences, Minisymposium MS29 on Interactions of Molecular Motors and Cytoskeletal Structure (August 7th), in Minneapolis, MN.
- May 2-4, 2018: Invited Talk at the Frontiers of Mathematical Biology: Modeling, Computation and Analysis conference, held at the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
- April 21-22, 2018: Invited Talk in the AMS Special Session on Nonlinear and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications at the AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, held at Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
- April 12, 2018: Invited talks at the Math/CS Pizza Lunch and the Science Lecture Series at Ohio Wesleyan University.
- March 17, 2018: Invited talk in the Special Session on Mathematical Modeling of Neuronal Networks at the AMS Spring Central Sectional held at the Ohio State University.
- February 16, 2018: Invited talk in the Applied Mathematics Seminar at University of Cincinnati.
- January 29, 2018: Invited talk in the Mathematics Department at Kenyon College (Math Monday).
- October 6-7, 2017: Talk the International Symposium on Biomathematics and Ecology Education and Research, held at Illinois State University, Normal, IL.
- September 20, 2017: Invited Talk at the Probability and Stochastics Seminar at Tulane University.
- July 17-20, 2017: Invited Talk at the SMB Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Modeling of Molecular Motor Systems (July 20th), at University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
- May 21-25, 2017: Invited Talk at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, MS58 on Waves and Patterns (May 22nd), at Snowbird, UT.
- May 16, 2017: Invited Talks on FRAP parameter estimation and numerical methods to simulate mRNA transport at the Molecular Motors Meeting at Penn State University, State College, PA.
- April 20, 2017: Invited Seminar Talk in the Department of Mathematics at Creighton University.
Contributed and Local Talks
- October 6th, 2021: Talk in the Developmental, Cell and Molecular Biology Seminar at Duke University (virtual).
- July 7th, 2021: Short talk and panelist at the Data+ program at Duke University.
- April 26-30th, 2021: Poster at the IMSI Workshop on Topological Data Analysis.
- November 6th, 2018: Talk in the Postdoc Seminar at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute.
- October 18, 2018: Talk at STEAM Factory October STEAM Exchange on Locomotion, held at the STEAM Factory, Columbus, OH.
- September 15, 2018: Remote talk at WINRS Research Symposium, held at University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
- July 8-12, 2018: Oral Presentation in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology track at the Society of Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, held in Sydney, Australia.
- June 13th, 2018: Research talk (Dawes group) at the Mathematical Biology Bootcamp in the MBI Summer REU, Columbus, OH.
- June 12th, 2018: LaTeX Tutorial at the Mathematical Biology Bootcamp in the MBI Summer REU, Columbus, OH.
- February 1, 2018: Talk in the Postdoc Seminar at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute.
- October 17th, 2016: Talk at the Applied Math Graduate Seminar at Brown University.
- August 8-11, 2016: Poster Presentation at the SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, held in Philadelphia, PA.
- July 11-15, 2016: Poster Presentation at the AWM Workshop, held in conjunction with the SIAM Annual Meeting in Boston, MA.
- June 1-3, 2016: Poster presentation at the Conference on Analysis of PDEs using Dynamical Systems Techniques, held at Boston University.
- April 23-24, 2016: Poster presentation at the KUMU Conference on PDE, Dynamical Systems, and Applications, held at University of Missouri.
- April 1-2, 2016: Research Talk at the Applied Math Days, held at RPI.
- January 18-22, 2016: Poster Presentation at the Opening Workshop for the Stochastic Dynamical Systems in Biology: Numerical Methods and Applications Program, held at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK.
- October 6, 2015: Talk at the Applied Math Graduate Seminar at Brown University.
- May 17-21, 2015: Poster presentation at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, held in Snowbird, UT.
Poster won the Red Sock Award (SIAG/Dynamical Systems) for best poster presentation. More information and the poster can be found here.
- April 10-11, 2015: Talk at Applied Math Days, held at RPI.
- March 21-22, 2015: Talk at the Workshop on Agent-Based Modeling at Brown University (organizer with Alexandria Volkening and John Gemmer).
Workshops and Programs
- March 11-15th 2024: AIM SQuaRE for research collaboration in Pasadena, CA.
- February 13-17th 2023: AIM SQuaRE for research collaboration in San Jose, CA.
- September 2022: Co-organizing the DEI Panel Discussion on Building inclusive graduate programs in mathematical biology at the SMB Annual Meeting in Heidelberg, Germany (hybrid).
- June 21st-25th, 2021: Research visit for Collaborate@ICERM project on Mathematical Models of Pedestrian Movement in Large Lecture Halls in Providence, RI.
- June 14th-17th, 2021: Co-organizer of two-part minisymposium on Combining modeling and inference in cell biology, SMB Mentor and Judge at the 2021 SMB Annual Meeting.
- April 2nd, 2021: Co-organized an SMB Workshop on organizing REUs in mathematical biology and applied mathematics.
- January - May 2021: Mentor for two Duke University undergraduate students on a Muser research project on the impact of microtubule polarity on cargo transport in dendrites.
- April 26-30th, 2021: Attended the IMSI Workshop on Topological Data Analysis.
- April 23-26th, 2021: Attended the paraDIGMS 2021 Spring Conference on Diversity in Graduate Mathematical Sciences.
- March 26th, 2021: Attended the SMB Workshop on Diversity, Equaity and Inclusion in mathematical biology.
- March 8-10th, 2021: Co-organizer of ICERM Hot Topics Workshop on Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice (virtual).
- May 26th - August 7th, 2020: Project Mentor for an undergraduate student in the Phoenix Project, organized by the Duke Applied Machine Learning Group and replacing students' summer internships for summer 2020.
- July 20th - 24th, 2020: Volunteer for Beyond the Classroom, a virtual summer camp for middle school girls on "Polyforms and Polytopes in art and nature", organized by OSU Math.
- August 12-16th, 2019: Workshop on Systems Modeling in the Pharmaceutical Industry at The Fields Institute in Toronto, Canada.
- May-August, 2019: Supervisor of undergraduate student research on "Complex simulations of mRNA transport" at OSU.
- May 12-14th, 2019: Visit at the Molecular Motors Meeting at Penn State University, State College, PA.
- March 15-17th, 2019: Short-term collaboration visit to continue Mathematics Research Communities workshop work on inferring the interaction network of coupled phase-oscillator systems in Boston, MA.
- February 26 - March 9, 2017: Research visit at Tulane University with the Stochastics Lab.
- September 14-21, 2017: Research visit at Tulane University with the Stochastics Lab.
- July-September, 2017: Summer SDE Working Group with the Stochastics Lab at Tulane University (remotely).
- June 26-28, 2017: NIMBioS Tutorial on Uncertainty Quantification for Biological Models at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
- May 21, 2017: Co-organizer of MS on Modeling of intracellular transport and cell organization (MS11, MS23) at the SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, at Snowbird, UT.
- May 15-19, 2017: Molecular Motors Meeting at Penn State University, State College, PA.
- April 20-23, 2017: Short-term visit to continue Mathematics Research Communities workshop work on modeling blood loss in the cardiovascular system at Creighton University.
- August 15-19, 2016: TA for GirlsGetMath @ ICERM: Summer Math Camp for High School Girls, Providence, RI.
- June 20-August 12, 2016: Volunteer TA for Summer @ ICERM: 2016 Undergraduate Summer Research Program on Dynamics and Stochastics, Providence, RI (3-4 weeks).
- June 19-25, 2016: Mathematics Research Communities (MRC) Workshop on Mathematics in Physiology and Medicine, Snowbird, UT.
- June 13-17, 2016: Mathematical Problems in Industry (MPI) Workshop, held at Duke University.
- February 25-28, 2016: Short-term visit to continue work on the kidney autoregulation project at NIMBioS, University of Tennessee.
- August 5-14, 2015: Mathematical Modeling in Industry Workshop for Graduate Students at the IMA, University of Minnesota.
- June 22-25, 2015: A Research Collaboration Workshop for Women in Mathematical Biology at NIMBioS, University of Tennessee, as part of the Blood Flow Autoregulation in the Kidney project lead by Anita Layton and Aurelie Edwards. More information about the workshop can be found in the AWM Newsletter.
- September 15-19, 2014: BU/Keio Workshop on Dynamical Systems, held at Boston University.
- May 24-30, 2014: Workshop on Stability of Solitary Waves, held at Centro de Giorgi, Pisa