Office Hours


Clark Bray -- MWF 11:30am-noon in Physics 123  and  MWF 2:35-2:50pm in BioSci 130 and MWF 2:55-3:10 in BioSci 113. 
For confidential discussions (such as about exam grades, course standing,...), contact Prof. Bray by email and indicate your availability.
Due to unavoidable logistical issues on exam days, Prof. Bray cannot hold his usual BioSci office hours noted above on Fri Feb 9, Fri Mar 22, and Wed Apr 24.

Biji Wong -- Thu 2-3pm in Physics 023 and Fri 12-1pm in Physics 023
For confidential discussions (such as about exam grades, course standing,...), contact Prof. Wong by email and indicate your availability.

Rajendra Beekie -- Fri 3-5pm in Physics 011.
For confidential discussions (such as about exam grades, course standing,...), contact Prof. Beekie by email and indicate your availability.

Teaching Assistant(s):

TA support this term comes in the form of the Help Room:  (see more discussion of the Help Room, and other available resources, on the course website / Course Resources)

Office Hours Polices: