Learning Expectations

The following learning objectives apply to all block calculus courses in the Mathematics Department, including this one:

Student Learning Objectives
Block Calculus Courses
Department of Mathematics

In these courses, students should:
  1. Learn the definitions of the mathematical concepts of calculus enumerated on the syllabus.
  2. Understand analytic and geometric perspectives on these concepts.
  3. Attain proficiency in the techniques of working with these concepts algebraically, graphically, and numerically.
  4. Use these tools for applications in the natural and social sciences.
  5. Develop skills in creating and working with mathematical models to solve problems.
  6. Learn to formulate and communicate mathematical arguments effectively in writing.

As a broad point -- this course is most fundamentally about ideas and reasoning.  Formulas and algorithms are tools involved, but they are not what the course is about. 

The points below motivate and elaborate on the above objectives: