Early Class Announcements

Class announcements are made by email to the class roster on DukeHub.  As a result, you will have missed all announcements that might have been made before you joined the course!  Check this page when you first join the course to find possible missed announcements. 

Once you are enrolled on DukeHub, you should receive all subsequent announcements in your email.  Be sure to read all announcements, and retain them for likely future reference.  Announcements made after the end of drop/add will not be added to this list.

2024-01-23:  Math 219 Announcement (Bray sections) -- attendance count starts Wed Jan 24; page associations for GS submissions

Math 219 -01, -02, -03,

You might recall from the class website / Class Grades that class attendance is required, and it will be part of the course grade.  (See that page for relevant details; see also the class website / Classroom Rules for other related points.)

I have not been checking attendance to this point because our class roster has been in flux.  Now that drop/add is almost over and presumably our roster should be fixed for the term, we will begin with checking attendance.

Starting tomorrow, attendance will begin to count.  I will start calling names a bit before class starts, in the hopes of getting as many people as possible checked off beforehand.  Please let me know if I mispronounce your name -- I would very much like to make notes as necessary so that I can get everyone's name right!

If you come in late, that is fine and I will still be happy to count you as present.  However, please do not interrupt the lecture -- just wait until the lecture is over and then come ask me to note your presence on the attendance sheet.

In general, be sure that I have marked you as present.  If I call your name and see you identify yourself, then no problem.  If I enumerate who I have not seen, not including you, and note that I have everyone else marked as present, then again no problem.  If neither of the above happens for some reason, then be sure to talk to me after class to check if I have marked you properly.


The head grader has told me that several students made incomplete submissions of their HW-01 assignments.  In particular, these students submitted their pages but did not follow through with the page associations.  (For each GS question, listing a collection of the assigned exercises, students must indicate to GS which pages of their submission show work from the relevant exercises.  See further discussion on the class website / Exams and Homeworks / Homeworks.) 

These page associations are critical to how the grading process proceeds.  Students who did not make correct associations could not be graded and the head grader noted, "Problem not found".

This being the first assignment, and thus there being a possibility of this having been a misunderstanding of some sort, the head grader has agreed to accept regrade requests in such cases for this first assignment.  If this applies to you, please be sure to do so for each such GS question, during the regrade request window; and of course also please be sure to make correct page associations for all GS questions when making future submissions to avoid point deductions. 

Clark Bray  |  Associate Professor of the Practice
Supervisor of First Year Instruction  |  Duke Math

2024-01-17:  Math 219 Announcement (Bray sections) -- Gradescope site created; HW-01 due soon

Math 219 -01, -02, -03,

You will soon (if not already) receive an email from Gradescope indicating that you have been added to the site that we will use for homework submissions this semester. 

Please be sure that you have read the details about homework submissions to Gradescope on the class website / Exams and Homeworks. 

Reminder, HW-01 will be due this coming Sun Jan 21, and should be created on Gradescope later today after the assignment is entirely determined.  As is indicated on the class website / Class Schedule, the exercises to be submitted will definitely include 1.6 (from last Wed), 1.1 and 1.2 (from last Fri), and will probably also include 1.3 (which I expect to finish and add to the appropriate cell of the Class Schedule this afternoon).  Reminder, what you will submit to Gradescope for HW-01 then will be your solutions to all of the exercises listed on the Content Syllabus for those sections.  (NB that this DOES include the "AHP" exercises.)

As is noted in the Comments / Reminders column for today on the Class Schedule, you should have most if not all of 1.6, 1.1, and 1.2 done already, and (assuming that we finish 1.3 today as expected) should ideally have most of 1.3 done by the end of today leaving only those exercises on which you will need to seek help (course website / Course Resources).  Reminder, I urge you to keep up with this general schedule of doing homework exercises as we complete sections as indicated on the Class Schedule, as this will best help you to keep fully up to date in the material, which will help you get the most possible benefit from lectures, and will also avoid big backlogs of exercises to be done just before the due dates. 

Clark Bray  |  Associate Professor of the Practice
Supervisor of First Year Instruction  |  Duke Math

2024-01-11:  Math 219 Announcement (Bray sections) -- Class Schedule comments/reminders; Help Room; YouTube recordings

Math 219 -01, -02, -03,

A few things:

See you all tomorrow!

Clark Bray  |  Associate Professor of the Practice
Supervisor of First Year Instruction  |  Duke Math

2024-01-08:  Math 219 Announcement (Bray sections) -- websites; recording to watch; lecture notes; Gradescope

Math 219, Sections -01, -02, -03

Welcome to Math 219!  I look forward to working with you in the coming semester. 

Here are some announcements:
  1. Here's where you can find the website for this class:


    I strongly advise you to bookmark this page, as it contains lots of information critical to the course that I expect you will need to refer to almost daily.  Be sure to explore the site thoroughly and also the linked course website, read all of the discussions there, and familiarize yourself with the various links and such.

  2. I have just made a recording, talking through some organizational points for the class.  This recording includes discussions of logistics, course content, learning goals, and the intended learning strategy for students.  All of this is very important!  Be sure to watch this recording carefully, before the start of the term.

    To find this recording (and all future lecture recordings for this class!), go to the class website linked above, click on "YouTube Recordings", then "Playlists", and then "View full playlist" corresponding to this offering of this class. 

  3. You will find the lecture notes for my classes on the class website / Class Materials.  These are the notes that I will use in class on the projector screen.  In that same location you will also find the outline of the organizational lecture, and a diagram that we will make use of later in the term.  I may post additional materials there through the term. 

  4. Homeworks in this course will be submitted through Gradescope, linked on the class website.  I have not yet made the Gradescope site for homeworks; probably I will wait until after the start of the term by which time the roster might be more settled.  There will eventually also be a separate Gradescope site for the midterm exams. 

See you in a few days!

Clark Bray  |  Associate Professor of the Practice
Supervisor of First Year Instruction  |  Duke Math