Student Essays and Surveys

Fall 2014

Game Day 1 Results.pdf
MAB Day2 Oct20 Money and Politics Game Summary.docx
Game Day 2 Results.pdf

BJK Paper1 DemocracyInTheFrenchRevolution.docx
BJK Paper2 TheElectoralCollege.docx

BPB Paper1 PowerofthePress.docx
BPB Paper2 AmericanDemocracyandEducation.docx

CEM Paper 1 Can Game Theory Remedy the Debt.docx
CEM Paper 2  Hitler vs. FDR.docx
CEM_Paper 3_Is it for the Game.doc

CTG Paper1 VoterFraud.docx
CTG Paper2 Checksandbalances.docx

CWP Paper1 RepulicOfKoreaAndDemocracy.docx
CWP Paper2 DPRKandItsTruth.docx
CWP Paper3 TrackandField.docx

GKG Paper1 OnlineVoting.docx
GKG Paper2 BusinessGameTheory.docx

JB Paper1 DemocracyintheKingdomofMorocco.docx
JB Paper2 GameTheoryinEconomics.docx

JDN Paper1 FARC+Colombian Gov (essay).docx
JDN Democracy and the Political Structure of the Roman Empire.docx
JN_Paper3_Malcolm X.docx

JHL Paper1 AChallengedDemocracy.docx
JHL Paper2 Politics.docx

JKS Paper1 Scotland.docx
JKS Paper2 DemocracyandInternet.docx

KL Paper1 Chinas Transition from Communism to Capitalism.docx.pdf
KL Paper2 GameTheoryOfReversi.pdf
KL Paper3 GameTheoryOf2048.pdf

LBB Paper1 Russia.docx
LBB Paper2 Football.docx
LBB_Paper3_Deal or No Deal.docx

LYC Paper1 NigerianDemocracyandUnity.docx.docx
LYC Paper2 UKCoalitionGovernment.docx

MAB Paper1 IncumbencyAdvantage.docx
MAB Paper2 EvolutionaryGameTheory.docx

MER Paper1 ShiftingBritishDemocracy.docx
MER Paper2 MeasuringSocietySuccess.docx

MKH Paper1 French Revolution.docx
MKH Paper2 The Stanford Prison Experiment.docx

MRS Paper1 Governmentlegitimacy.docx
MRS Paper2 Egypt.docx

SAC Paper1 Real World Game Theory Applications.docx

Fall 2013

AFM Paper1 IsraeliDemocracy.docx
AFM Paper2 StemCellDebate.docx
AFM Paper3 Patriot Act.docx

ARN Paper1 WillTheLeaderBeTheSameWithPower.docx
ARN Paper2 WithGreatPowerComesGreatTemptation.docx
ARN Paper3 WhichTypeOfDemocracyReignsSupreme.docx

ATK Paper1 SaddamRTP 001.docx
ATK Paper2 JohnFNash 002.docx
ATK Paper3 TeaParty2010 001.docx

AZ Paper1 Consitutions-is newer better.docx
AMZ Paper2 Washington, Adams and Jefferson at Duke.docx
AMZ Paper3 Rand-THE Think Tank.docx

BAM Paper1 Elections.docx
BAM Paper2 NicolausTideman .docx
BAM Paper3 GameSummary.docx

BHC Paper1 PavingThePathForTheSyrianRevolution.docx
BHC Paper2 TheCatalystForFreedom.docx
BHC Paper3 SyriasNewConstitution.docx

BTG Paper1 Rwandan Genocide-The Evil Behind European Colonialism.docx
BTG Paper 2 The Game Theory of Go.docx
BTG Paper3 Chinese Government.docx

BWZ Paper1 RankingBillofRights.docx
BWZ Paper2 CorruptionDemocracy.docx
BWZ Paper3 ElectoralCollegeCivilWar.docx

CNA Paper1 TaxesAndDemocraticRevolution.docx
CNA Paper2 CondorcetBiography.docx
CNA Paper3 CampaignFinanceReform.docx

CSS Paper1 PartyPolarity.doc
CSS Paper2 ElectoralCollegeTies.docx
CSS Paper3 YouthVoting.docx

DJB Paper1 Day 3 Summary.docx
DJB Paper2 The Electoral College.docx
DJB Paper3 TheFilibusterDebate.docx

GED Paper1 Thai Democracy-How Did It Fail.docx
GED Paper2 Quebec and its separatist movement.docx
GED Paper3 How Much Democracy is Too Much.docx

HBG Paper1 Compulsory Voting.docx
HBG Paper2 Corruption in Democracy.docx
HBG Paper3 JohnNashBiography.docx

HTS Paper1 Day 1 Summary of Money and Politics Game.docx
HTS Paper 2 The Man Behind the Method.docx
HTS Paper3 ApprovalVoting.docx

ISR Paper1 What is True Democracy.docx
ISR Paper2 Television and Presidential Campaign Ads.docx
ISR Paper3 Involving Citizens in Policy Decisions.docx

JRP Paper1 Voter Intimidation in the United States.docx
JRP Paper2 Game4Summary .docx
JRP Paper3 JohnVonNeumann.docx

KB Paper1 Religion And Democracy .docx
KB Paper2 Free Will Theorem.docx
KB Paper3 Failures of Government.docx

LMR Paper1 Day 2 Summary-UsurpingUtopia.docx
LMR Paper2 Mr47andtheSevenDwarfs.pdf
LMR Paper3 TheElectionof1800.pdf

NPG Paper1 The Failure of German Democracy.docx
NPG Paper2 Corruption&Reform.docx
NPG Paper3 media&democracy.docx

RCM Paper1 Violence and the Spread of American Democracy.docx
RCM Paper2 The Movement for Sececcion of Quebec.docx
RCM Paper 3 Suppression of the Minority Vote.docx

ZQ Paper1 economicsanddemocracy.docx
ZQ Paper2 ComputerModelstoPredicttheFuture.docx
ZQ Paper3 ProbabilityOfaCondorcetParadox.docx

"Money and Politics Game" Summaries:

Day 1:  HTS Paper1 Day 1 Summary of Money and Politics Game.docx
Day 2:  LMR Paper1 Day 2 Summary-UsurpingUtopia.docx
Day 3:  DJB Paper1 Day 3 Summary.docx
Day 4:  JRP Paper2 Game4Summary .docx
Day 5:  BAM Paper3 GameSummary.docx

Fall 2012

Essays and Surveys

AFW 001 Movies.docx
AFW 002 ForeignAid.docx
AFW Essay proposal.docx
AFW Paper1 CitizenInvolvement.docx
AFW Paper2 ElectoralCollege.docx
AFW Paper3 Piracy.docx

ALW 001 CarColorSurvey.docx
ALW 002 Romney&Business.docx
ALW 003 Romney&BusinessSurvey.docx
ALW Paper1 v2 Romney&Business.docx
ALW Paper2 PokerStyles.docx
ALW Paper3 PowerballLottery.docx

APC 001 Food.docx
APC 002 SecretGuns.docx
APC Topic1 Gun Rights Secret Ballot.docx
APC Essay1 Gun Rights.docx
APC Essay2 Gun Rights Voter Manipulation.docx
APC 004 Tax Survey.docx
APC Essay3 Taxes.docx

AY 001 Websites.docx
AY 001 Websites.xlsx
AY 002 Proposal.docx
AY 003 Proposal Survey .docx
AY 004 Paper1.docx
AY 004 Paper1 v2.docx
AY Paper2 Body Language in Presidential Debates.docx
AY Paper3 Human Trafficking.docx

CDR 001 Buildings.docx
CDR 002 Proposal.docx
CDR 003 Survey for Proposal on Prisoner's Dilemma.docx
CDR Essay 1  Prisoner's Dilemma in Nuclear War.docx
CDR Paper1 v2 Nuclear Weapons Then and Now.docx
CDR Paper2 College Sports.docx
CDR Paper2 v2 College Sports.docx
CDR Paper3 Purpose of College Degrees.docx

EIG 001 College.docx
EIG 002 EssayProposal.docx
EIG 003 PDsurvey.docx
EIG Essay1 TwoPlayerGames v1.docx
EIG Essay1 TwoPlayerGames v2.docx
EIG Essay2 AIandChess v1.docx
EIG Essay2 AIandChess v2.docx
EIG Essay3 Advertising v1.docx

ERB  001  Candy.docx
ERB 002 Gerrymandering.docx
ERB 003 VoterID.docx
ERB  004  Voter ID.docx
ERB 005 Voter ID Survey Analysis.docx
ERB  Paper1  v1  The Inherent Bias of Voter Identification Legislature.docx
ERB Paper2 v2 Baseball.docx
ERB Paper#3  MVP Baseball .docx

JJF 001 Music.docx
JJF 003 Tournaments.docx
JJF Jimmy Fang Interest.docx
JJF Paper1 Tournaments.docx
JJF Paper2 MoneyAndAdvertising.docx
JJF Paper3 PowerofPosition.docx

JRD 001 Subjects.docx
JRD 002 Florida.docx
JRD 003 FLPoll.docx
JRD Paper1 State Which Will Live In Infamy.docx

KPD 001 Stress.docx
KPD 003 UndemocraticGovernmentSurvey.docx
KPD Paper1 v2 PresidentialGameTheory.docx
KPD Paper2 v1 CollegeRankings.docx
KPD Paper3 DrugDevelopment.docx

LGB 001 Movies.docx
LGB 002 Greece.docx
LGB Essay1proposal.docx
LGB Paper1 Greece.docx
LGB 003 Hurricanes.docx
LGB Paper2 Hurricanes2.docx
LGB 004 MontyHallProblem1.docx
LGB Paper3 MontyHallProblem1.pdf

NJM 001 WorldIssues.docx
NJM 002 PaperProposalWar.docx
NJM 003 Blackmailer'sParadox.docx
NJM Paper1 GameTheoryofWar.docx
NJM 002 Vegetarianism.docx
NJM Paper3 DrugPatents.docx

NRC 001 Superheroes.docx
NRC 002 topic proposal.docx
NRC 003 Evolution Game Theory.docx
NRC paper001 v2 evolutionary game theory.docx
NRC paper002 weight loss.docx
NRC paper003 videogames.docx
NRC paper003 videogamesworkscited.docx

PML 001.docx
PML 002.docx
PML HW3.docx
PML Paper1 V1 World Government.docx
PML Paper2 Direct Democracy.docx
PML Paper2 V2 Direct Democracy.docx
PML Paper3 Financial Risk.docx

QPH 003 Survey&Results.pdf
QPH Paper1 OrganicFood.pdf
QPH Paper2 Campaigns.pdf
QPH Paper3 Hackers.pdf

SHL 001 Sports.docx
SHL 002 PaperProposal.docx
SHL 003 Government.docx
SHL StemCellSurvey 004.docx
SHL StemCell 004.docx
SHL StemCellOutline 005.docx
SHL Paper1 v1 StemCell.docx
SHL Paper1 v2 Stemcell.docx
SHL AffirmativeActionSurvey 006.docx
SHL AffirmativeActionSurvey v2 007.docx
SHL AffirmativeActionOutline 008.docx
SHL Paper2 v1 AffirmativeAction.docx
SHL Paper3 College?.docx

SK 001 Pokemon.docx
SK 001 Australia paper proposal.docx
SK 003 Color Survey.docx
SK Paper Proposal 1.docx
SK Paper1 Does Color Affect Voters Preferences.docx
SK Paper2 Pokemon.docx
SK Paper3 ElectionGameTheory.docx

XYZ 001 NationalParks.docx
XYZ 002 PaperIdeas.docx
XYZ 003 VoterRandomness.docx
XYZ Paper1 Randomness and Bias.docx
XYZ Paper2 Cheating.docx
XYZ Paper 3 Psychology in Politics.docx

Fall 2011


ACW Essay1 Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock.doc
ACW Essay1 Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock v2.doc
ACW Essay2 Two Player Game Theory.doc
ACW Essay2 Two Player Game Theory v2.doc
ACW Essay3 Deciding on Voting Properties.docx
ACW Essay3 Deciding on Voting Properties v2.docx

BMB Essay1 Metal Bats .docx

CJM Essay1 Schulze Method.doc

CJM BMB Essay1 Investing.doc

CMH LWF Essay1 Players Poll.docx
CMH LWF Essay2 A Possible Answer to a Flawed System.docx
CMH LWF Essay3 Emmergence of the Players Poll.docx

EAB Essay1 Ross Perot.docx
EAB Essay1 Ross Perot v2.doc
EAB Essay1 Ross Perot v3.doc
EAB Essay1 Ross Perot v4.doc
EAB Essay2 Third Parties and Their Future.doc

EAB Essay3 Wal Mart Symbol of Change.doc
EAB Essay3 Wal Mart Symbol of Change v2.doc

EVS Essay1 Democracy Comparison.doc
EVS Essay1 Democracy Comparison v2.doc
EVS Essay2 Democratic Peace Theory.doc
EVS Essay3 Voter Turnout.doc

JAC Essay1 Arab Israeli Conflict.doc
JAC Essay1 Arab Israeli Conflict v2.doc
JAC Essay1 Arab Israeli Conflict v3.doc
JAC Essay2 BCS Football.doc

KHC Essay1 Electoral College.doc

KHC SPH Essay1 Athletic Draft.doc

MDS Essay1 Political Platform.doc
MDS Essay2 Foreign Policy.doc
MDS Essay2 Foreign Policy v2.doc

PMB Essay1 National Debt.doc
PMB Essay2 Alternative Voting Referendum.doc

RJY Essay1 Bipartisanship.doc
RJY Essay1 Bipartisanship.pdf
RJY Essay1 Bipartisanship v2.doc
RJY Essay2 Democracy.doc

SCK Essay1 Techsuits.doc
SCK Essay1 Techsuits v2.doc
SCK Essay2 Distracted Driving.doc

SPH Essay1 Role of Third Parties.doc
SPH Essay1 Role of Third Parties v2.doc
SPH Essay2 Game Theory of Negotiations.docx

ZBB Essay1 National Debt.doc
ZBB Essay1 National Debt v2.doc
ZBB Essay2 Lobbyists.doc
ZBB Essay3 Dictator vs Democracy.doc


ACW 01 NFL.doc
ACW 02 News.doc
ACW 03 Passionate Issues.doc
ACW 04 Voting Properties.doc

ACW ZBB 01 Philosophers.doc

ANT 01 China on VNChinaHisRel.doc
ANT 02 Vietnam on VNChinaHisRel.doc
ANT 03 China on VNChinaContRel.doc

BMB 01 Duke Favorites.doc
BMB 02 Econ Survey.doc

CJM SPH 01 Gilbert-Addoms.doc
CJM SPH 02 Political.doc
CJM SPH 03 Online.doc

CMH LWF 01 Football Players Poll.doc

EAB 01 Heroes Survey.doc
EAB 02 Music Survey Analysis.doc
EAB 03 Controversial Survey Analysis.doc
EAB 04 Campaigning Survey.doc

EAB PMB 01 Gay Marriage.doc

EVS 01 Favorite Activities.doc
EVS 02 Political Opinions.doc
EVS 03 Democracy.doc
EVS 04 Democracy part2.doc

EVS KHC 01 Social Media.doc

JAC 01 Language Survey.doc
JAC 02 Arab Israeli Conflict.doc
JAC 03 Arab Israeli Conflict2.doc
JAC 04 Arab Israeli Conflict3.doc
JAC 05 Causes of Conflict.doc
JAC 06 BCS Football.doc

JAH 01 Best Orchestras.doc
JAH 02 Education Policies.doc
JAH 03 More Ed Policies.doc

KHC 01 Marketplace Survey.doc
KHC 02 USPolitics.doc

KHC SPH 01 Athletic Drafts.doc

MDS 01 College Majors.doc
MDS 02 Sports .doc
MDS 03 Political Platform.doc
MDS 04 Foreign Policy.doc

PMB 01 Oscars.doc
PMB 02 Elections.doc

RJY 01 Southgate.doc
RJY 02 College Choice.doc
RJY 03 Computers.doc

SCK 01 Distracted Teens Survey.docx
SCK 02 Football Survey.docx
SCK 03 Personality Survey.docx
SCK 04 Distractions.docx
SCK 05 Swimsuits.docx
SCK 05 Swimsuits.doc

ZBB 01 Music and Language.doc
ZBB 02 News and Television Survey.doc
ZBB 03 Third Survey Analysis.doc
ZBB 04 Survey Analysis.doc
ZBB 05 State Debt.doc
ZBB 06 Global Warming.doc
ZBB 07 Lobbyists.doc
ZBB 07 Lobbyists v2.doc
ZBB 08 Second Lobbyist Survey.doc

(updated Thursday, October 24, 2013)