Senior Theses and Additional Readings

Senior Theses

Barry Wright III, "Objective Measures of Preferential Ballot Voting Systems," April 20, 2009.  thesis pdf

Maksim A. Tabachnik, "Strategy and Effectiveness:  An Analysis of Preferential Ballot Voting Methods," April 25, 2011.  thesis pdf, presentation pdf

James M. Mallernee, "A Strategy and Honesty Based Comparison of Preferential Ballot Voting Methods," April 1, 2013.  thesis pdf

Additional Readings

Marcus Schulze, "A New Monotonic and Clone-Independent Single-Winner Election Method," Voting Matters, Issue 17.  pdf

Marcus Schulze, "Part 1 of 5:  A New Monotonic, Clone-Independent, Reversal Symmetric, and Condorcet-Consistent Single-Winner Election Method," draft, September 16, 2011.  pdf

Marcus Schulze, "Part 2 of 5:  Free Riding and Vote Management under Proportional Representation by the Single Transferable Vote," draft, March 14 , 2011.  pdf

Marcus Schulze, "Part 3 of 5:  Implementing the Schulze STV Method," draft, April 4, 2011.  pdf, zip

Marcus Schulze, "Part 4 of 5:  A New MMP Method," draft, March 28, 2008.  pdf

Marcus Schulze, "Part 5 of 5:  A New MMP Method (Part 2)," draft, August 4, 2008.  pdf