Alex Dunlap's home page
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University. I study problems in probability theory, partial differential equations, and applied math. I am particularly interested in the asymptotic behavior of stochastic partial differential equations.
Before coming to Duke, from 2020 to 2023 I was an NSF postdoc at NYU Courant, sponsored by Jean-Christophe Mourrat and Yuri Bakhtin. I completed my Ph.D. at Stanford in 2020, advised by Lenya Ryzhik.
Along with the other probabilists in the department, I help organize the Duke Probability Seminar. Everyone is welcome to attend.
My research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant no. DMS-2346915. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Math papers and preprints
(in reverse order of first arXiv posting)
- Simultaneous global inviscid Burgers flows with periodic Poisson forcing. 2024. [arXiv, animation]
- Viscous shock fluctuations in KPZ (with Evan Sorensen). 2024. [arXiv]
- Edwards-Wilkinson fluctuations in subcritical 2D stochastic heat equations (with Cole Graham). Submitted, 2024. [arXiv]
- Additive-multiplicative stochastic heat equations, stationary solutions, and Cauchy statistics (with Chiranjib Mukherjee). Submitted, 2024. [arXiv]
- Branching Brownian motion with generation-dependent diffusivity and nonlocal partial differential equations (with Lenya Ryzhik). Submitted, 2023. [arXiv]
- Jointly stationary solutions of periodic Burgers flow (with Yu Gu). Journal of Functional Analysis 287 (2024), no. 12, 110656. [arXiv, doi]
- The 2D nonlinear stochastic heat equation: pointwise statistics and the decoupling function (with Cole Graham). Submitted, 2023. [arXiv]
- Uniqueness and root-Lipschitz regularity for a degenerate heat equation (with Cole Graham). Submitted, 2023. [arXiv]
- Localization length of the \(1+1\) continuum directed polymer (with Yu Gu and Liying Li). Annales Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), pp. 2537–2555. [arXiv, doi]
- Invariant measures for stochastic conservation laws on the line (with Theodore D. Drivas, Cole Graham, Joonhyun La, and Lenya Ryzhik). Nonlinearity 36 (2023), no. 9, pp. 4553–4584. [arXiv, doi]
- Fluctuation exponents of the KPZ equation on a large torus (with Yu Gu and Tomasz Komorowski). Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 76 (2023), no. 11, pp. 3104–3149. [arXiv, doi]
- Local versions of sum-of-norms clustering (with Jean-Christophe Mourrat). SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS) 4 (2022), no. 4, pp. 1250–1271. [arXiv, doi]
- A quenched local limit theorem for stochastic flows (with Yu Gu). Journal of Functional Analysis 282 (2022), no. 6, 109372. [arXiv, doi]
- Sum-of-norms clustering does not separate nearby balls (with Jean-Christophe Mourrat). Journal of Machine Learning Research 25 (2024), no. 123, pp. 1–40. [arXiv, journal, code]
- A forward-backward SDE from the 2D nonlinear stochastic heat equation
(with Yu Gu). Annals of Probability 50 (2022), no. 3, pp. 1204–1253. [arXiv, doi]
- Viscous shock solutions to the stochastic Burgers equation (with Lenya Ryzhik). Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 242 (2021), no. 2, pp. 937–971. [arXiv, doi]
- The continuum parabolic Anderson model with a half-Laplacian and periodic noise. Electronic Communications in Probability 25 (2020), paper no. 64. [arXiv, doi]
- Existence of stationary stochastic Burgers evolutions on \(\mathbf{R}^2\) and \(\mathbf{R}^3\). Nonlinearity 33 (2020), no. 12, pp. 6480–6501. [arXiv, doi]
- Stationary solutions to the stochastic Burgers equation on the line (with Cole Graham and Lenya Ryzhik). Communications in Mathematical Physics 382 (2021), no. 2, pp. 875–949. [arXiv, doi]
- Tightness of Liouville first passage percolation for \(\gamma\in (0,2)\)
(with Jian Ding, Julien Dubédat, and Hugo Falconet). Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 132 (2020), pp. 353–403. [arXiv, doi]
- Subsequential scaling limits for Liouville graph distance
(with Jian Ding). Communications in Mathematical Physics 376 (2020), pp. 1499–1572. [arXiv, doi]
- Fluctuations of the solutions to the KPZ equation in dimensions three and higher
(with Yu Gu, Lenya Ryzhik, and Ofer Zeitouni). Probability Theory and Related Fields 176 (2020), no. 3–4, pp. 1217–1258. [arXiv, doi]
- Constructing a solution of the \((2+1)\)-dimensional KPZ equation
(with Sourav Chatterjee). Annals of Probability 48 (2020), no. 2, pp. 1014–1055. [arXiv, doi]
- The random heat equation in dimensions three and higher: the homogenization viewpoint
(with Yu Gu, Lenya Ryzhik, and Ofer Zeitouni). Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 242 (2021), no. 2, pp. 827–873. [arXiv, doi]
- Liouville first-passage percolation: subsequential scaling limit at high temperature
(with Jian Ding). Annals of Probability 47 (2019), no. 2, pp. 690–742. [arXiv, doi]
- Expected regularized total variation of Brownian motion. Unpublished. [arXiv]
Published outreach report
- Curiosity-Based Biophysics Projects in a High School Setting with Graduate Student Mentorship (Cooper J Galvin,
Katherine N. Liu,
Andrew S. Kennard,
Sahil K. Tembulkar,
Alexander Dunlap,
Tao A. G. Large,
Thao Pham,
Derek Le,
Aurora Alvarez-Buylla,
Helen Nguyen,
Ezequiel Ponce,
Sophia Tran,
Nikki Nguyen,
Christina Ngo,
Christina Tran,
Gabriela Huynh,
Patrick Allamandola,
Zev Bryant). The Biophysicist 2 (2021), no. 1. [doi]
Recorded talks
Fun stuff
Some mathematical visualizations (require a reasonably modern [in 2016] browser, e.g. Firefox or Chrome).
Math jokes
- Spring 2024 (March 20–April 17): Minicourse on Stochastic PDE
- Fall 2023: Math 541 Applied Stochastic Processes
- Spring 2023: MATH-GA 2500 Partial Differential Equations
- Fall 2022: MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations
- Spring 2022: MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability
- Fall 2021: MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics
- Email: dunlap at math decimal duke decimal edu
- Office: Physics 297
- Pronouns: he/him