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Rapid Reference Course List

Listed below are the mathematics courses numbered above Mathematics 104 that are most often taken by undergraduates. Detailed course descriptions and prerequisites are given in a subsequent section, beginning on page 14.

111. Applied Mathematical Analysis I

114. Applied Mathematical Analysis II

120S. Introduction to Theoretical Mathematics

121. Introduction to Abstract Algebra

123S. Geometry

124. Combinatorics

126. Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory

128. Number Theory

131. Elementary Differential Equations

132S. Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations

133. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

135. Probability (C-L: STA 104)

136. Statistics (C-L: STA 114)

139. Advanced Calculus I

149S. Problem Solving Seminar

150. Topics in Mathematics from a Historical Perspective

160. Mathematical Numerical Analysis

181. Complex Analysis

187. Introduction to Mathematical Logic

188. Logic and its Applications

191, 192, 193, 194. Independent Study

196S. Seminar in Mathematical Model Building

197S. Seminar in Mathematics

200. Introduction to Algebraic Structures I

201. Introduction to Algebraic Structures II

203. Basic Analysis I

204. Basic Analysis II

205. Topology

206. Differential Geometry

211. Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering

216. Applied Stochastic Processes (C-L: STA 253)

217. Introduction to Linear Models (C-L: STA 244)

218. Introduction to Multivariate Statistics (C-L: STA 245)

221. Numerical Analysis (C-L: CPS 250)

233. Asymptotic and Perturbation Methods

238, 239. Topics in Applied Mathematics

William G. Mitchener
Tue Sep 3 16:48:03 EDT 1996