Duke graduates who have majored in mathematics and have teaching certification are in strong demand in the field of secondary education: each year a few students graduate from Duke with teaching certification in secondary mathematics, and they find that high schools--both public and private--are very interested in hiring them. A mathematics major can receive certification either as an undergraduate, through the Program in Education, or through the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program, a one-year program following graduation. For information on the Program in Education see Jack Bookman (211 Physics Building, 660-2831, bookman@math.duke.edu) or contact the Program in Education (213 West Duke Building, 660-3075). For information on the Master of Arts in Teaching Program, see Jack Bookman or Rosemary Thorne (138B Social Sciences, 684-4353, rrt@acpub.duke.edu). Students considering teaching as a profession can get excellent experience working as graders, lab T.A.'s and/or help room assistants in the Department of Mathematics (see Employment in the Department, page 20).