Many professions and many graduate and professional school programs regard a strong background in mathematics as highly desirable. Therefore, many students having a primary interest in some other discipline pursue a major or minor in mathematics.
Students with an interest in the applications of mathematics should take Mathematics 131, 135, 136, and 160 (or 221). Other electives depend on particular interests; recommendations are given below.
Engineering and Natural Science MTH 114, 132S, 133, 181, 196S, 216, 238 Business and Economics MTH 126, 132S, 216
Computer Science MTH 124, 126, 187, 200, 201
A student planning to enter professional school (e.g., business, law, or medicine) can choose a program of study based mainly on interest. A student intending to enter graduate school in an area other than mathematics should formulate a program in consultation with representatives of that area, at Duke or at other potential graduate institutions.