CNCS Seminar
Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 2:50pm, 119 Physics
Thomas Ward (Dept of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, NCSU)
Electrohydrodynamically driven chaotic advection in a translating drop
A drop translating in the presence of an electric field is studied using a combination of experiments and numerical analysis to determine the underly- ing mechanism that leads to chaotic advection. The flow is a combination of a Hadamard-Rybczynski, and a Taylor circulation due to the translation and electric field, respectively. Two cases for generating chaotic advection by, (i) tilting the electric field relative to the drops translation motion and (ii) time-dependent modulation of the electric field, will be considered. The numerical analysis includes qualitative analysis of the degree of mixing by Poincare mapping and quantitative estimates of the largest percentage of drop volume mixed by a single streamline as well as the rate of mixing by calculating the largest Lyapunov exponent. Experiments are performed using a castor oil/silicone oil system for the continuous and dispersed phases respectively. [video]

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