Probability Seminar
Thursday, March 26, 2009, 4:15pm, 119 Physics
Asaf Nachmias (Microsoft)
The Alexander-Orbach Conjecture Holds in High Dimensions
It is known that the simple random walk on the unique infinite cluster of supercritical percolation on Z^d diffuses in the same way it does on the original lattice. In critical percolation, however, the behavior of the random walk changes drastically. The infinite incipient cluster (IIC) of percolation on Z^d can be thought of as the critical percolation cluster conditioned on being infinite. Alexander and Orbach (1982) conjectured that the spectral dimension of the IIC is 4/3. This means that the probability of an n-step random walk to return to its starting point scales like n^{-2/3} (in particular, the walk is recurrent). In this work we prove this conjecture when d>18; that is, where the lace-expansion estimates hold. Joint work with Gady Kozma. [video]

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