Integrable Systems Seminar
Thursday, April 25, 2002, 4:00pm, 114 Physics
Svetlana Roudenko (MSU)
Theory of function spaces with matrix weights
Nazarov, Treil and Volberg defined matrix $A_p$ weights and extended the theory of weighted norm inequalities on $L^p$ to the case of vector-valued functions. We develop some aspects of Littlewood-Paley function space theory in the {\it matrix weight setting}. In particular, we introduce matrix-weighted continuous Besov spaces $\dot{B}^{\alpha q}_p(W)$ and matrix-weighted sequence Besov spaces $\dot{b}^{\alpha q}_p(W)$ as well as $\dot{b}^{\alpha q}_p(\{A_Q\})$, where $A_Q$ are reducing operators for $W$. We prove the norm equivalences $\Vert \vec{f} \,\Vert_{\dot{B}^{\alpha q}_p(W)} \approx \Vert \{ \vec{s}_Q \}_Q \Vert_{\dot{b}^{\alpha q}_p(W)} \approx \Vert \{ \vec{s}_Q \}_Q \Vert_{\dot{b}^{\alpha q}_p(\{A_Q\})}$, where $\{ \vec{s}_Q \}_Q$ is a vector-valued sequence of the $\ffi$-transform coefficients of $\vec{f}$, under any of the three conditions on the weight $W$: (i) the matrix $A_p$ condition; (ii) for large $p$ under just the doubling condition; (iii) the doubling condition with no restriction on $p$ if $W$ is diagonal. In the process, we note and use an alternate, more explicit characterization of the matrix $A_p$ class. Furthermore, we introduce a weighted version of almost diagonality and prove that an almost diagonal operator is bounded on $\dot{B}^{\alpha q}_p(W)$ under any of the three conditions on $W$. This leads to the boundedness of Calder\'on-Zygmund operators (CZOs) on $\dot{B}^{\alpha q}_p(W)$, in particular, {\it the Hilbert transform}. We apply these results to wavelets to show that the above norm equivalence holds if the $\ffi$-transform coefficients are replaced with the wavelet coefficients. Finally, we construct dual spaces by the averaging method of reducing operators.

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