Thin Films Seminar
Friday, January 25, 2002, 3:15pm, 216 Physics
Karl Glasner (Duke University)
Dissipative Fluid System and Gradient Flows
Many physical systems possess dynamics which are dirven only by their desire to decrease their total free energy. Mathematically, this asserts that the dynamics are a gradient flow, given by the "steepest descent" of an energy functional. This notion, however, depends on the geometry assigned to the underlying function space. The task is therefore to find a metric appropriate for the given dynamics. For the problem of surface tension driven Hele-Shaw flow, the correct metric turns out to have a remarkable connectin to an optimal transport problem. This connection points the way to a diffuse interface description of Hele-Shaw flow. A numerical method for gradient systems will be presented and some computational examples of this model will be given. As a second example, a model of a thin fluid film subject to van der Waals forces will be discussed. Experiments and numerical simulation both demonstrate that an initially uniform film is subject to a long wavelengh instability which leads to an array of droplets connected by a very thin fluid layer. a coarsening process ensues. which can be understood by gradient flow techniques.

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