Mathematical Biology Seminar
Friday, October 28, 2022, 12:00pm, Physics 119
Isabella Marinelli (Univ. Birmingham, Insitute of Metabolism and Systems Research)
Modelling pancreatic -cells: the symbiosis between electrical and metabolic activity
Pancreatic -cells are responsible for maintaining the body's glucose homeostasis by secreting the hormone insulin. The insulin secretion results from coupling glucose metabolism to electrical activity via ATP-sensitive K+ channels. However, many of the factors that influence -cell function or insulin exocytosis are not fully understood. In the last three decades, several mathematical models have been developed to support the investigation. In this talk, I will present the latest and more sophisticated of our models, the Integrated Oscillator Model (IOM), in which -cell electrical activity, intracellular Ca2+, and glucose metabolism interact via numerous feedforward and feedback pathways. I will then highlight how mathematical models can be used to both explain experimental results and design new experiments.

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