Number Theory Seminar
Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 3:15pm, Zoom link
Niels Feld
Chow-Witt groups and quadratic refinements in motivic homotopy theory
In the nineties, Voevodsky proposed a radical unification of algebraic and topological methods. The amalgam of algebraic geometry and homotopy theory that he and Fabien Morel developed is known as motivic homotopy theory. Roughly speaking, motivic homotopy theory imports methods from simplicial homotopy theory and stable homotopy theory into algebraic geometry and uses the affine line to parameterize homotopies. Voevodsky developed this theory with a specific objective in mind: prove the Milnor conjecture. He succeeded in this goal and won the Fields Medal for his efforts in 2002. In this talk, I will start by recalling some facts in motivic homotopy theory, and then present some results in motivic enumerative geometry (Euler characteristic, trace formula, ramifications, computation of some Chow-Witt groups, birational invariance). This is joint work with Frédéric Déglise and Fangzhou Jin (see arXiv:2210.14832), and Tasos Moulinos.
Zoom notes: Meeting ID: 968 2220 8331

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