String Theory Seminar
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 3:30pm, 298 Physics (Physics Faculty Lounge)
Azeem Hasan
Graded Quivers, Toric Calabi Yaus and B-Branes
Recently introduced m-graded quivers provide a unified language for describing gauge theories with minimal amount of supersymmetry and their dualities in various dimensions. The prototypical example of these are gauge theories on D-branes probing Calabi-Yau singularities. In this talk after reviewing how m-graded quivers encode various constraints on these theories, I will describe some general methods of constructing these quivers and use them to construct a few infinite families of them. Lastly I will explain how these quivers describe Topological B-model on toric Calabi-Yaus.

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