A Collection of Web Sites with Mathematical Content
The following is a list of web sites with mathematical content. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. Rather, it is designed to give a feel for the range of materials available. You certainly won't have time to look at all the material on all the sites, but it will give you an idea of what is out there -- and what you might be able to use as part of your project.
· JOMA: The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications, the journal of MathDL
Classroom Resources
· The Duke Connected Curriculum Project (CCP): Interactive materials for courses from precalculus to linear algebra, differential equations, and engineering mathematics. Most modules have discussion and instructions in web pages with downloadable computer algebra system worksheets for student exploration and reports. The following modules have filled-in Maple worksheets available temporarily. Click on the workshop icon to download these. (This will enable you to see the intent of the module without having to work through the Maple.)
Radioactive Decay (in Differential Calculus)
Equiangular Spirals (in Multivariable Calculus)
Logistic Growth Model (in Differential Equations)
Introduction to the One-Dimensional Heat Equation (in Engineering Mathematics -- there is no Maple file for this module)
· The Post CALC Project: These materials are designed for high school students who have finished a yearlong course in calculus, but still have time left in their high school career. The format is similar to the CCP materials, but these modules are considerably longer.
3. MERLOT: This extensive project, part of the emerging National Science Digital Library (NSDL), contains materials that range across many disciplines besides mathematics.
4. iLumina: Another collection in the NSDL. This site has extensive metadata available on their entries. The material available covers biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics. Use Internet Explorer to search this site.
5. NCTM E-Examples site: These materials are designed to illuminate the NCTM Principles and Standards.
6. Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics: This site was created by Kyle Siegrist at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. For a quick look, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click on Applets. Check out the Interactive Histogram applet and the Dice Experiment Applet.
7. Demos with Positive Impact: This site was created by Dave Hill at Temple and Lila Roberts at Georgia Southern. It is a collection of demos that use various technologies and can be used for a variety of courses.
8. Interactive Mathematics: This site is at Utah State.In the 9-12 Geometry section, check out
The Pythagorean Theorem and the Platonic solids
9. Math
Forum: One of the oldest web sites featuring mathematics, this site focuses
on materials and services for K-12.
10. Eisenhower
National Clearinghouse (ENC): A large site covering many disciplines
with emphasis on K-12.
11. MathWorld: An encyclopedic math site created by Eric Weisstein at Wolfram.
12. The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive: A rich site. Click on the Famous Curves Index and check out a couple of the curves.