Lite Applets -- Customizable Actors

Shades of Shades


The photograph above and the three icons below it are an example and a metaphor. It is an example of a simple bit of technology and how it might be used to add some interactivity to a Web page. If you move your mouse over the icon on the left you can see how this same scene looks to someone wearing sunglasses. Try it. The sunglasses happen to be polarized. The light from the window in the background that is reflected by the surface of the water is polarized and is blocked by the polarized sunglasses. The other two icons show two simple experiments -- holding the sunglasses at different angles.

This example is also a metaphor -- when different people look at the same scene, they often see very different things. The Lite Applet Project is less about technology than about how we use technology to help our students learn mathematics and science and to develop into observant, reflective, confident and capable citizens and professionals who are able to use the skills, knowledge, and perspectives of multiple disciplines to solve important and complex problems. This short article describes the very simple technology used in the example above and, more importantly, it describes how this technology can be used.

This article includes several examples that are ready-to-use. More importantly, however, these examples are customizable. With just minimal computer knowledge you can adapt these modules and make them yours, so that they are more relevant to your students. As a quick example, we will make some simple modifications to this page. If you want to skip to the next part of this article click here. If you want to skip to an explanation of how to achieve the effects shown above click here.

A Simple Example of Customizability
