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Sinusoidal Graphs

Part 2: Amplitude

  1. The amplitude of a sinusoidal wave is defined to be half of the distance from the high point of the graph to the low point. For instance, the sinusoidal graph below has a high point at 2 and a low point at -4, so its amplitude is 3. (There are 6 units between 2 and -4, and half of 6 is 3.) Determine the amplitude of each of the sinusoidal graphs you plotted in Part 1.
  2. Now plot the graph of B sin(t), defined in your worksheet. What is its amplitude? Change the value of B, plot the new graph, and determine the new amplitude. State the relationship between B and the amplitude.
  3. Does changing the value of B have any effect on the period of the function?
  4. Enter appropriate values of B and C so that the function B sin(Ct) has amplitude 3 and period of pi/2. What would your B and C values be for an amplitude of 0.5 and a period of 3 pi? Check to be sure.
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