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Contour Plots and Critical Points

Part 2: First- and Second-Degree Taylor Approximations

At each point (x0, y0) in the domain of f, we can construct a first-degree Taylor approximation -- i.e., a best-fitting linear function L(x,y) -- by the formula


We see from the formula that f and L have the same value at (x0, y0), as do the first partial derivatives fx and Lx, fy and Ly. The graph of L is the tangent plane to the graph of f at (x0, y0).

Similarly, we can construct the second-degree Taylor approximation at (x0, y0) -- a best-fitting quadratic function Q(x,y) -- by


where the coefficients A, B, and C are given by


At (x0, y0), Q shares with f the function value and all values of first and second partial derivatives.

  1. Use your helper application to calculate the three second partial derivatives. (The expressions for these derivatives are quite complex, so you may not want to display them.)

  2. Choose an arbitrary point (x0, y0) in the domain [-3,3] x [-5,5]. We will use contour plots to examine the first- and second-degree Taylor approximations of f at (x0, y0).

  3. Define the first-degree Taylor approximation L to f near (x0, y0), and display the contour plots of both f and L together over a square

    [x0 - delta, x0 + delta] x [y0 - delta, y0 + delta].

    Start with delta = 0.5, and reduce to 0.1. Describe the extent to which the contours for L resemble the contours for f.

  4. Now define the second-degree Taylor approximation Q at (x0, y0), and repeat the experiment with the contours for f, L, and Q displayed simultaneously. Compare the extents to which the contours for L and the contours for Q each resemble the contours for f.

  5. Repeat the experiment -- that is, steps 2, 3, and 4 -- with a different point (x0, y0).

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