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Systems of Linear Equations

Part 1: Unique Solutions

  1. Use a technique you learned in the Helper Application Tutorial to solve the system

      2x1 + 8x2 + 6x3 = 20
      4x1 + 2x2 - 2x3 = -2
      3x1 - 2x2 + x3 = 11

  2. Now try solving the system using the method entered in the worksheet.

    Note that a vector is treated as a column vector, even if you enter it as a row.

  3. What does the output mean? As you can see, there are many ways to do the same task. In your report, explain what aspect of (at least one of) your solution methods tells you the solution to this problem is unique -- that is, that you are not just seeing one of many possible solutions.
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